Читать книгу The Quest for an Ideal Youth in Putin's Russia I - Ivo Mijnssen - Страница 3
Table of Contents
ОглавлениеThe Soviet Collapse as Dislocation
Securitization in Contemporary Russia
Cultural Memory, Commemoration and Hegemony
The 60th Anniversary of Victory
Soviet and Russian Political Identities
III Russia’s Youth, the Orange Revolution, and Nashi
The Orange Revolution and Russia
Nashi after the Orange Revolution
IV Remember! Nashi and the Bronze Soldier
History, National Identity and Ethnic Tension
Events at the Estonian Embassy
V Seliger: The Foundry of Modernization
Participant Observation at Seliger
International Youth Forum Seliger 2010
Monographs, Articles and Internet Sources
Appendix I: Brochure «Neobyknovennyi Fashizm»
Appendix II: Instruction Manual «Neskol’ko Neudobnykh Voprosov Rossiiskoi Vlasti»