Читать книгу The Ghost Of Girolamo Riario - Ivo Ragazzini - Страница 7

It wasn't the first time someone had seen the ghost of Girolamo Riario in the town hall...


...the witness explained to the researcher.

“As early as 1500 it was said that the place where Riario fell remain stained of his blood forever, and almost two hundred years later, around 1650, some chroniclers even wrote about it6”.

“In the 1700s there were some who spoke of Riario's spirit or soul and in the 1800s there were some tales telling how, after his murder, his ghost wandering around looking for someone”.

“In the second half of the 1800s there was a culmination and several groups of spiritualists and Freemasons said they were in contact not only with him, but also with Caterina Sforza7 and someone else who was staying in the fortress of Ravaldino8”.

“In a few words, after his murder occurred in the room of the Nymphs, a room that was destroyed and no longer exists today, that ghost had been seen in various periods several times wandering around the palace and someone said he had seen him in the fortress of Ravaldino. Only that most people preferred to forget or keep quiet about it”.

“Even the third window on the first floor, counting from the left in front of the facade of the town hall, was in the past considered cursed by many, because someone thought it was the one where Riario was thrown down after his murder under a screaming crowd that tore his body to pieces. But that was not the real window from which Riario was thrown after his murder”.

“Where was it thrown from?” the researcher asked.

“From another window. Riario was killed in the Nymphs Room, but then his body was dragged out and taken to another room”.

“And what was the window where it was thrown from then?” the researcher interrupted him.

“The window was on the opposite side of the building facade, the third window counting from the right”.

“But that's the window where the woman said she saw the ghost dancing”, said the researcher in amazement.

“Exactly, that woman saw him in that window, only he wasn't dancing at all”, replied the witness smiling a little.

“And what was he doing then?”

“It's too early to tell that. There are many other things you should know before”, explained the witness to the researcher.

“All right, so the nymphs room wasn’t the one where he was seen dancing?” asked the researcher.

“No, that was just a window through which his body was dragged after his death. That room was destroyed by his wife Caterina Sforza after his murder and no longer exists today”.

“And after five centuries, you still know such things and details?”

“Actually, I know a more lot of it”.

“I understand, go ahead”, replied the researcher.

“Returning to the window from which he was thrown out, the spot where Riario fell on the under square was marked for a long time and many people in all ages and centuries knew this. Only today, no one remembers it anymore. Since then many people in all ages have seen his ghost and some even heard him”, explained the witness.

“How do you know all this?” asked the researcher.

“You run fast and go ahead too much. I already told you there's more to know”, replied the witness as he began to tell more.

The Ghost Of Girolamo Riario

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