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Chapter Three


“In the accumulation of knowledge there has been great progress. In the psychology of the scientific observer there has been no fundamental change since the Reindeer Age. In point of scientific ethics the last hundred years mark a retrogression” Lowie. “Are We Civilized?”

PRIOR to the popularizing of the so-called science of anthropology by Blumenbach in the early years of the last century, the favorite instrument for proving the doctrine of inequality or equality within the human race was the Bible. St. Augustine held that no true believer in God could assert that an Ethiopian was not the equal of a white man. Mohamet, too, preached the equality of all “races,” and told his followers that even if a Negro slave with pepper-corn hair had become their ruler they should obey him.* Spain, Portugal and Italy actually practiced this equality.

The fight both for and against slavery in the United States was waged first along scriptural lines. The pro-slavery faction even asserted at times that the Negro was descended not from Adam but from a pre-Adamite group from which it was said Cain took a wife while the anti-slavery faction was as firm in proving from the Bible that “of one blood” God had made all the races of the earth. There was also the theory of the descent from Ham which attained great vogue and still does in certain quarters.

With the superseding of religion by science the battle of inequality shifted from a scriptural wording to a scientific one. Now it was no longer practical. Now it was up to the equalitarians to prove that science was wrong, though, be it noted that the first scientists, like Blumenbach and Lamarck, held to the equality of the human race. In other words, the pro-slavery faction and the anti-slavery one had entered the stage in new costumes. Underneath were the same bodies.

In this chapter and the three that follow I have given, therefore, an anthology of what has been said in modern times on mixed marriages.


VII. Colette (Gabrielle Sidonie), France’s leading female novelist. In most Southern states she would not be legally white. (See p. viii).

Some of these opinions are from world-famed scientists, one or two of whom are Nobel prize winners; others from biologists working in great laboratories; or doctors of philosophy from great universities; or able writers, as well as mere scribblers and the man in the street. However, no matter what the degree of knowledge, there will be seen again the spirit of the ardent upholder of slavery; or that of the milder advocate of it; or the sincere Christian; or the opportunist. The language has changed; the psychology of the respective contenders has not. Note the racialism or the lack of it in the case of the Negroes, too.

Scientific Opinions

Paul Broca, foremost French anthropologist of his day: “The union of the Negro with a white woman is frequently sterile while that of a white man with a Negress is perfectly fecund. This might tend to establish between the two races a species of hybridity analagous to that existing between goats and sheep which we have termed unilateral hybridity.” He adds that Professor Serres “fully alive to the gravity of the fact has given the following explanation,” namely, the length of the Negro male genital as compared with that of the Caucasian vagina.1

Dr. Franz Boas, noted anthropologist of Columbia University: “There is absolutely no biological evidence which would countenance the assumption that race intermixture of itself would have unfavorable results, that the children of white fathers and of mulatto or quadroon mothers would be inferior to their Negro ancestors. It would seem, therefore, to be in the interest of society to permit rather than restrain marriages between white men and Negro women. It would be futile to expect that our people would tolerate inter-marriage in the opposite direction although no scientific reason can be given that would prove them detrimental to the individual. Intermixture between white males and Negro females has been common ever since Negroes were brought to our continent, and the efficacy of the modern attempt to repress this intermingling is open to grave doubt.

“Thus it seems that man being what he is the Negro problem will not disappear in America until the Negro blood has been so much diluted that it will no longer be recognized just as anti-Semitism will not disappear until the last vestige of a Jew, as a Jew, has disappeared.”2

* * * * *

“I do not doubt that notwithstanding all legislation, intermixture between Negroes and whites will continue.

“I do not think there is any danger of deterioration of American manhood and destruction of American civilization involved …

“I do not think that the Negro is inherently inferior to the white. There may be reasons to think that the Negro may be slightly different when we consider the average of the two types, but there is no doubt that there are a great many family strains among the Negroes that are superior to many white strains …

“Amelioration of the race problem can be obtained by making it clear to people there is no instinctive feeling of one race against another, and by emphasizing that instinctive race feeling is merely an automatic reaction which is brought about by impressing upon the mind of children and young people the consciousness of the incompatibility of races.”3

“If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic and emotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be represented. The mere fact that a person is a healthy European, or a blond European would not be proof that he would belong to his élite. Nobody has ever given proof that the mixed descendants of such a select group would be inferior …

“Those who fear miscegenation which I, personally, do not consider in any way dangerous … not for the white race or for the Negro, or for mankind … may console themselves with the belief in a race consciousness, which would manifest itself in selective mating. Then matters would remain as they are.”4

Fay-Cooper Cole, professor of anthropology, University of Chicago: “There is sufficient reason to believe that the Negro and Caucasian races in the United States will ultimately amalgamate. This is going on to-day, has, in fact, gone so far that pure-blooded Negroes are in the minority, while a very high percentage of our Negro population is predominantly white. It should be noted that this is chiefly due to the white men seeking Negro women, and not to the union of Negro men and white women.

“Do I think race amalgamation would lead to a deterioration of American civilization? I DO NOT …

“My chief objection to race amalgamation as relating to black and white is in behalf of the half-breed. He has to struggle against such odds that SUCCESS can be attained only by a man of unusual ability and tenacity of purpose.

“I am not satisfied that the Negro is inherently inferior to the Caucasian. He is different — different physically. In his homeland he is different and has an entirely different background — social, economic and mental — while his life here in America has not been such as to give him the same outlook as his white neighbor.

“He has had no opportunity as a race to show whether or not he is capable of assimilating our civilization. Given the same background and opportunities I think it is quite probable that he will show himself the equal of the white. At the present time one of my best graduating students is a Negress.

“Give the Negro equal opportunities with the whites. Give more equipped schools and opportunities to advance as he shows ability; recognize merit regardless of color. See that the Negro population is decently housed, not pushed off to undesirable portions of the city.

“Assist the colored man to become a self-respecting member of our society; recognize his worthwhile qualities, and encourage him to become a loyal forward-looking American, rather than a member of a resentful, half-educated group which may easily be used by selfish leaders.”5

Dr. Charles B. Davenport, noted eugenist and biologist: “Already the South is full of persons of one-eighth Negro blood whose (illegitimate) children may legally marry descendants of blacks … Many a child arises in the third or later generations that by no test shows evidence of ‘African’ descent. How unjust the Missouri law that provides that the proportion of Negro blood is to be determined by the jury from the appearance of the person! The South, indeed, has a problem in its huge ‘feeble-minded’ colored population: but the problem is of the same order as that in the North and in England and the solution is: Forget unessentials like skin-color and focus attention on socially important defects. Then by sterilization or segregation prevent the reproduction of the socially inadequate. Thus will the mentally incompetent strains be eliminated and the good physical traits of some of the black races be added, as a valued heritage to enhance the physical manhood of the South.

“I feel sure that if law will take lessons from biology many of the disasters that have been feared may be averted.”6a

Dr. Davenport suggests the following law: “No person having one-half or more Negro blood shall be permitted to take a white person as spouse. Any person having less than one-eighth part of Negro blood shall not be given a license to marry a white person without a certificate from the state.”6b

Dr. George A. Dorsey, late curator of anthropology, Field Museum, Chicago: “Nature is not so prejudiced as we are. She says that there is a human race, that all human beings are of the same genus Homo, species sapiens. She draws no color line in the human or in any other species. Black and white dogs mix as readily as do blacks and whites when the sex impulse is not outlawed, and are equally fertile.”7

Edward M. East, late professor of genetics, Harvard University: “The Negro as a social group has produced but one man who would be placed among the first 15,000 or 20,000 Great Ones of the Earth. This is Alexandre Dumas …

“The obvious conclusion … is that the gene-packets of African origin are not valuable supplements to the gene-packets of European origin. It is the white germ-plasm that counts. This is further shown by the fact that the first generation hybrids, have hardly ever had distinctive achievements to their credit. It is when re-combination of the genes occurs, bearing with it the possibility of additional white endowments that men of merit appear.

“We can find no probability, that the Negro will contribute hereditary factors of value to the white race yet the pure Negro will gradually die out and the remaining members of our population will vary imperceptibly from black to white. In the social sense the black race will be absorbed. In the genetic sense the black germ plasm will remain because the inheritance of genes is alternative. What are we going to do about it?

“It seems to me that we must make the best of the situation. The Negro cannot be deported or sterilized. He must be treated decently, educated up to his intelligence level and made a part of our political system when qualified I can see no reasonable excuse for oppression and discrimination on a colour-line basis.”8

F. H. Hankins, professor of sociology, Smith University: “We think it can be shown that race-crossing is a factor in the production of talented men, and hazard the guess that most of the superior men of European history have been of mixed racial ancestry … Since the crossing of sound strains of different races is biologically sound we contend that well-endowed Italians, Hebrews, Chinese, and Negroes are better material out of which to forge a nation than average, or below average, Nordics.

“A second biological principle is that crossing of strains increase variability. This is highly important as a factor in evolution because it gives natural selection a wide range of individuality to choose from.

“Even as regards Negro-white crosses one can see no sound biological argument against them … Since the crossing of the races occurs primarily between white males and Negro females it may also be argued that miscegenation is a factor in race elevation. Such crossing usurps the reproductive capacities of the Negro race without affecting the fertility of the white stock. In so far, therefore, as the actual white fathers might be assumed to be superior to the possible Negro fathers an assumption not always correct the offspring will be better endowed.

“Arguments against the crossing of white and Negro must therefore be purely sociological.”9

Dr. Frederick Hoffman, statistician, Prudential Life Insurance Company: “I have never found an inter-mixed or inter-married white-Negro couple where the stamp of social inferiority was not plainly traceable as the result …

“Intermarriages between whites and blacks, just as much as wrongful sexual relations without marriage, are essentially anti-social tendencies and therefore opposed to the teachings of sound eugenics in the light of the best knowledge available to both races at the present time …

“The conclusion would seem warranted that the crossing of the Negro race with the white has been detrimental to its true progress and has contributed more than anything else to the excessive and increasing rate of mortality from the most fatal diseases as well as to its consequent inferior social efficiency and diminishing power as a force in American natural life.10 (Hoffman believes that it is only degenerate white women who marry Negroes and cites a number of instances.)

Earnest G. Hooton, professor of anthropology, Harvard University: “Amalgamation between whites and Negroes will go on, as it always has gone on. But the process is a slow one, because of the fact that few primary crosses occur and because the whites so largely outnumber the Negroes.

“Ultimately we might expect the entire population to show signs of Negro admixture in the same way that practically all of the people of India show more or less traces of the Dravidian admixture. But this process would take a very long time in this country, because of the preponderance of whites and because of their reinforcement by immigration.

“I see no reason why one should anticipate disaster as a result of such slow and almost imperceptible amalgamation as must necessarily take place under the circumstances.

“I neither oppose nor advocate it (amalgamation). After we have studied the results of race mixtures between whites and Negroes, I shall be in a position to decide upon its advantages or disadvantages.

“Anthropologically, the Negro displays rather more features which may be considered primitive than do white races, but in many physical features the Negro is more advanced than the white. I do not feel that there exists any satisfactory method of appraising the comparative mental abilities of different races. I am unwilling to express opinions as to racial superiority or inferiority until some real basis of knowledge has been laid down.


VIII. Left to right: John Archer, photographer of Negro-Irish parentage, who way Mayor of BaMersea, one of London’s largest boroughs; Andrew Bogle, (See Sex and Race, Vol. I, p. 204, 2nd ed.) and (lower right) Thomas Tallis (1515-1585) “The Father of English Cathedral Music.”

“From the scientific point of view the prime desideratum is an anthropological study of the Negro in the United States and a study of the results of race mixture. But I am not at all certain that anything scientists can learn would have great efficacy in settling the race problem.

“If it were discovered that race mixture with Negroes produced undesirable types many whites would be pleased and most Negroes would not accept the conclusions.

“If on the contrary certain mixtures were demonstrated to be superior many Negroes would be pleased and most whites would be unwilling to accept the demonstration. In either event discontent and dissatisfaction would result. Democracies will always be swayed by ignorant prejudices rather than led by scientific principles or by ethical ideals.”11

Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, late curator of anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, in reply to the question: “Do you think white and black will amalgamate? replied, “Yes.” Asked: Would amalgamation lead to the destruction of civilization? he replied, “No.” He opposed race-mixing, however, so far as white and black are concerned because “the differences are too great and the results could not be an advantage.”12

Ellsworth Huntington, Yale University: “The army mental tests showed that 86 per cent of the southern Negroes possess inferior intelligence. Other evidence shows that almost the only Negroes who have accomplished much of importance have been partly white. The blending of white and black has produced something more competent than the pure black but less competent than the pure white. It has often made a most dysgenic blend, creating a white man’s ambition in a black man’s lethargic body. A certain group of scientists maintain that within a few hundred years there will be no more pure blacks in America. If that were to happen the mentality of the nation would be materially lowered.”13

H. S. Jennings, professor of zoology, and Director of the Zoological Laboratory in John Hopkins University, says: “No incompatibility of chromosomes is to be observed among the different races of man. The Negro and the white man each have 24 pairs of chromosomes. These work perfectly together both in forming vigorous offspring, and in the much more delicate tests of later uniting to form germ cells in those offspring … With respect to the main features of physical structures of functions, and of physiology, the offspring of parents belonging to diverse races are as perfect and vigorous and efficient as the offspring of members of the same race.”14

Algernon Lee, Director, Rand School of Social Science: “Ever since the first Negroes were brought to this country, mixture of Caucasian and Negro blood has been going on, chiefly through intercourse of white men with colored women.

“I see no reason to doubt that this process will continue.

“I do not know of any way in which I could oppose or check this historic process.

“Anthropological research gives no support to the theory that any one race or variety, of mankind is inherently superior to another.

“The solution of the race problem is to be found in social justice. It is essentially not a race problem.”15

Prof. Jacques Loeb, former head of the Department of Experimental Biology in the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research: “It has been stated that the mixtures between white and black are an inferior breed; that the pure breeds—the pure black and the pure white breed—are superior to the mixed race. As a matter of fact biology has nothing in support of that position, but we have some definite facts which show that in certain cases the hybrid is superior to both parent races …

“It would be wrong to say that in each case the result of a mixture of races is better than the pure breed. That is true in some cases, in other cases the opposite is true. But the fact that in a number of cases the mixture yields results that are superior to both parent breeds is enough to show the absurdity of the sweeping statement that the intermixing of races should be considered a felony.”16

William McDougall, professor of psychology, Duke University: “I hold that eventual complete amalgamation of the Negroes and whites is almost certain to occur in the United States of America, if the matter is left to nature.

“In my opinion, miscegenation must be regarded as a dangerous experiment which the white race can ill afford to make. It is impossible to forecast what the white stock would suffer in quality through absorbing the 100 per cent of Negro blood present in the population.

“I am opposed to amalgamation …

“I do consider that in spite of much that is amiable in the Negro the race is inferior to the white race, i.e., is less high cultured, more childlike in various ways.”17

Henry Fairfield Osborn, paleontologist, American Museum of Natural History: “My personal opinion is strongly against race mixture of any kind. I believe each race which has been produced by nature should try to develop its best qualities along its own natural lines.”18

Dr. Robert W. Shufeldt (1850-1933), Major, U.S.A., head of the Army Medical Museum, and one of America’s foremost scientists and naturalists: “Any number of people can be found in this country to-day who will stoutly deny, and they believe what they say, too, that there is any interbreeding going on at all between the blacks and the whites, and that the numerous mulattoes are due to climate. Such people are, of course, absolutely blind as to what is going on about them; they are ignorant and do not care to see. Take the city of Washington, for instance, I can remember thirty-five years ago when the mulattoes in the streets of that place were comparatively the rare exception, while they are to be seen there now simply in scores upon scores. Some are wonderfully handsome creatures with superb figures but handsome and fine-physiqued only in the sense that our American skunk is likewise a beautiful creature. It is also a black animal with more or less of a white stripe in it that is given to stealing chickens and can when irritated elevate its tail and raise the most outrageous stink, which is quite sufficient to check the progress of any Anglo-Saxon, however robust and civilised he may be …

“These half-breed Negroes in the United States, or in fact all that class of people having any Negro blood in them at all, are extremely objectionable factors in our civilization. They often, indeed, in a large proportion of instances are worse than the typical Negroes themselves. They are dangerous from whatever point of view man may elect to view them …

“Mulattoes, too, have better opportunities to contract white alliances in marriage and thus insidiously pass the savage Ethiopian blood into the veins of the Anglo-Saxon or American. This is most deplorable for I have frequently remarked the Negro has absolutely nothing in his organization that can be added to our own with slightest value while on the other hand nearly everything about him, mentally, morally, and physically is undesirable to the highest degree … Personally, I have found them equally superstitious, treacherous, mendacious, and unreliable …

“It would doubtless be a capital thing, if it could be done, to emasculate the entire Negro race and all of its descendants in this country and effectually stop the breed right now and thus prevent any further dangers from them and the horrors of the crossing continuously with the Anglo-Saxon stock …

“I have presented enough I think … to illustrate what an intensely sensuous and lascivious race the Negro race is—utterly lacking in sexual chastity …”19

William Benjamin Smith, late professor of philosophy, Tulane University: “At no time have two such distinct races each numbered by the millions, the one representing the highest stage of civilization and advancement, the other practically but a day removed from savagery and cannibalism, been thrown together in the same geographical region and not separated by any natural barriers. And our glorious Anglo-Saxon blood—the flower of the human race—is being polluted by the African taint, beastialized by ‘gorilla damnifications.’ This is a terrible thought to him who reveres the mortality of his ancestors, and prizes above earthly possessions the unblemished caste distinction of a thousand years of Europe’s best culture.”20

Sir Harry Johnston, noted colonial administrator, traveller, and authority on the Negro: “He (the Negro) has certainly been endowed by nature with a degree of race fertility probably far surpassing that of the European, Asiatic, and American Indian living under conditions similarly unfavorable to the struggle for existence. Those few scientific men in Britain, Germany, France, the United States and Brazil, who have striven to understand the anthropology of the Negro and to compare it with the white man are rather inclined than otherwise to argue now that the Negro and the Negroids have contributed in the past and still more may contribute in the future, a very important quota to the whole sum of humanity—an element of soundness and stability in physical development and certain mental qualities which the perfect man of, let us say, twenty or twenty-two centuries after Christ, cannot afford to do without.”21

Dr. J. B. Lacerda, Director, National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: “Gallon’s deduction in regard to hybridity in animals cannot be wholly applied to human half-breeds. In the case of man there is an inheritance of moral and intellectual qualities that follows no fixed and absolute rules. Under the influence of agencies of which we do not know the nature, the intellectual qualities, often reach in the mixed progeny of the white and black a degree of superiority which cannot be explained in terms of heredity either remote or proximate. Some unknown force gives rise in them to an intelligence that is capable of developing to a pitch neither of the parents could reach. It is, in fact common to find as the offspring of a white of very mediocre intelligence mated with a Negress of the lowest grade of culture an individual of considerable intellectual powers; just as if one of the effects of crossing in the case of man was precisely to improve the intelligence, or the moral and reflective qualities which distinguish individuals of the two races crossed.”22

J. W. Gregory, British anthropologist :”The extreme view of some American writers that ‘no race has maintained its civilization when tainted even slightly with African blood,’ need not be accepted; but in view of the debt that the world owes to the northern section of the white race—its dilution to the extent that would take place in the United States by the absorption of all its Negroes would be a disaster to humanity, yet this occurrence is probable. Although I recognize that nothing seems to rouse more intense indignation among some Americans than the idea that racial intermixture is taking place in their country to any serious extent, the evidence seems to me to be overwhelming to support those who like Prof. Bowman (1924, p. 17) report that the intermixture of the races goes on with increasing momentum.”23

H. B. Fantham, professor of zoology, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, “Intermarriage between white and black seems invariably to induce degeneration. The white becomes more animal-like, less energetic, more careless …

“White society long ago instinctively reached the conclusion that intermarriage between white and black must be banned.”24

Otto Klineberg, professor of psychology, Columbia University: “Little can be said with any definiteness either in favor of or against race mixture … Miscegenation as such is biologically neither good nor bad; its effects depend entirely upon the health and vigor of the individuals, who enter into the mixture. The observed effects of race crossing appear to depend very much more on social than on biological factors.” He also says, “Miscegenation between all racial groups has been going on since the beginning of history.”25 Luther Burbank, plant wizard (1849-1926), holding that “Nature does not approve of crosses” between races as have in “the ages grown widely apart” from the white as the Negro and the Mongolian, says: “No permanent results have been generally achieved, for example, through the commingling of Mongolians and Aryan blood, or of Aryan and Negro. I have said before and I say it again, that part of America’s greatness and part of our country’s possibilities for influence and leadership in the world are due to the crossing of races—the mixing of blood. But … there is a limit in the crossing of diverse strains beyond which it is not politic to go.”26

M. F. Ashley Montagu, Department of Anatomy, Hahnemann Medical School and Hospital: “One of the most strongly entrenched of popular superstitions is that interbreeding, or crossing between “races” results in inferior offspring, and that the greater part of such crossings leads to degeneration of the stock. The commonly employed stereotype has it that the half-caste inherits all the bad and none of the good qualities of the parent stocks. These bad qualities the half-breed is said to transmit to his offspring so that there is produced a very gradual and a very definite mental and physical deterioration within the group, finally resulting in complete infertility …

“As is the case with most of the evils which have been attributed to so-called miscegenation, or race mixture, there is not one particle of truth in any of these statements. Such facts as they may have reference to, are in practically every case due to purely social factors …

“There can be little doubt that those who deliver themselves of unfavorable judgments concerning race-crossing are merely expressing their prejudices. For in the framework which encloses the half-caste we are dealing with a conspicuous example of the action of socially depressing factors and not the effects of biological ones. The truth seems to be that far from being deleterious to the resulting offspring and the generations following them, interbreeding between different ethnic groups is from the biological standpoint highly advantageous to mankind.”27

Charles Richet, professor of physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris, and Nobel Prize winner: “A white woman should by no means marry a Negro. Even if the signs of his ethnic inferiority is little apparent, they will appear in the children … All mixture of race is detestable … “28a

“I would gladly let my sons marry an Italian, Spanish, German, or English woman, or a Jewess but I would be very much pained if they married a Chinese or a Negro woman … Prejudice, perhaps, but I readily believe that this prejudice would be shared by all the whites even those who criticize me most strongly.”28b

Lancelot Hogben, mathematician and biologist: “As an experimental scientist I know of only one way of finding out whether mixed marriages are advisable. That is to encourage them where we can assure the offspring the same cultural advantages as children whose parents belong to the same ethnic group.”29

* “Hear and obey although a Negro slave whose head is like a dried grape be appointed to rule over you.” (Al Hadis Chap. 2, para. 108. trans. Fazul Karim. Book 1, p. 231. 1938.) The text says “Ethiopian slave,’ which is correctly translated “Negro” because of the kind of hair mentioned. For slaves who rose to be rulers in Islam see pp. 221-2. Also Volume 1 of Sex and Race, Chaps. 10 and 11.

For a list of these works see Work, M., Bibliography of the Negro, under the headings, “Slavery and the Bible,’ and “Slavery and the Church.” 1928.

1 Phenomena of Hybridity in the Genus Homo, p. 28. 1864.

2 Yale Review, Jan. 1921. p. 395.

3 Symposium on Race-Mixing conducted by T. Dabney in Baltimore Afro-American, February-April, 1925.

4 Anthropology and Modern Life, pp. 75-6.

5 See No. 3.

6a Report Inter. Congress of Eugenics, London, 1912, p. 155.

6b Eugenics Record, Bull. Eugenics Record Office, 1913.

7 Why We Behave Like Human Beings, p. 44. 1926.

8 Heredity and Human Affairs, pp. 199-200. 1927.

9 Racial Basis of Civilization, pp. ix, 330, 347. 1926.

10 Eugenics in Race and State Report. Sec. Inter. Cong. of Eugenics, Vol. II, p. 187.

11 See No. 3.

12 See No. 3.

13 Builders of America, p. 82. 1927.

14 Biological Basis of Human Nature, p. 278. 1930.

15 See No. 3.

16 Crisis Maga., Dec. 1914.

17 See No. 3.

18 See No. 3.

19 The Negro: A Menace to American Civilization, pp. 99-130.

20 The Color Line, p. 7. 1905.

21 Interracial Papers (G. Spiller), p. 333. 1911.

22 Interracial Papers (G. Spiller, p. 380. 1911.)

23 Menace of Color, p. 89. 1925.

24 South African Assn. for the Advanc. of Science Jour., Vol. 23, pp. 410-11. 1925.

25 Race Differences, p. 219. 1935.

26 Partner of Nature, p. 117-18. 1929.

27 Man’s Most Langerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, pp. 97-99. 1942.

28a For the source of this as well as a French symposium on race-mixing see: Sex and Race, Vol. 1, p. 231. 1941.

28 Revue gén. de sciences pures, etc., Vol. 16, p. 891. 1906.

29 Dangerous Thoughts, p. 48. 1940.

Sex and Race, Volume 3

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