Читать книгу The Toxicity of Caffein: An experimental study on different species of animals - J. B. Rieger - Страница 5



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The object of these experiments was to determine the resistance to caffein in various species of animals and by various methods of administration. Caffein was therefore given by mouth and injected subcutaneously into the peritoneal cavity, into the muscles, and intravenously. As far as could be judged by appearance, healthy animals were selected for the subjects of the experiments, but as it is impossible to diagnose with any degree of accuracy the condition of the animal while it is alive, post mortem examinations were resorted to in many cases in which the issue of the experiment was fatal. Since the age of the animal may modify toxicity full grown, as well as young, animals were employed for these experiments; diet, race, and season also play an important part in determining the toxicity of a drug and these factors were also taken into account in the present investigation.

The Toxicity of Caffein: An experimental study on different species of animals

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