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This book is about the spiritual state of a divided America, its leaders and the relentless influences that affect its people. As the return of Jesus grows ever closer, several events must take place-giving way to God’s masterpiece, His glorious church, which is emerging right before our eyes. Lies today are so easily accepted, processed and then dismissed. At times, there is little difference between the “right”, the “left”, politicians and preachers. Meanwhile, political firestorms and social unrest continue to make headlines with little attention given to the winds that provide source to the dilemma. Once the approaching disturbances intensify, those in search of safety will have ample opportunity to find refuge. A safe haven and comfort will be highly sought after during this period, and those who follow instructions will receive rest as provided by the Spirit of the Living God.

Spiritual forces play a powerful yet unsuspecting role in all of our lives, but some have trouble expressing belief in an unseen realm. There is no denying the visible representation of things that don’t make sense. For example, what rational explanation can be given to a lone gunman who shoots and kills innocent people at a movie theater? A less daunting expression of spiritual activity can be found in those moments when someone you’ve been thinking about suddenly calls, or contacts you. As simplistic as this may sound, thoughts, motivations, and interests are all spiritual in nature.

So what does all of this have to do with this book? Great question! Everything! This writing should awaken the spiritual senses of each reader and bring light to a very important question. After all the political fighting is over and the casting of votes is now done, “What will You do about Jesus?” Most of us from afar observe the love and admiration our President has for his family. Our prayer therefore is that this will translate in the same toward the nation of people he leads. As we pray for the President, let’s all agree that God’s purpose for his leadership prevails. Further, ask our Heavenly Father to reveal the hidden influences that adversely affect his decisions. And finally, give due consideration to your role as a citizen, not as a complaining/non-praying bystander, but as one who understands the account that must be given to God for the assignment you were given at birth.

Massa's Back but Now He's Black?

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