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1. US Federal oversight of commodity futures began in 1922 with the Grain Futures Act and was reinforced with the 1936 Commodity Exchange Act.

2. Commodity Exchange Act (ch. 545, 49 Stat. 1491, enacted June 15, 1936).

3. Steven Lofchie, “CFTC Commissioner Giancarlo Calls for Progress on Swaps Trading Rules,” Commentary, Cadwalader Cabinet (August 4, 2015), available at https://www.findknowdo.com/news/08/04/2015/cftc-commissioner-giancarlo-calls-progress-swaps-trading-rules

4. Mike Kentz, “Swap Auctions Gain CFTC Favour: Regulator Gives in to Controversial Broker Execution Protocols,” IFR (August 8, 2015), available at http://www.finregalert.com/swap-auctions-gain-cftc-favour/

5. It was the place “where the music died,” in the words of singer Don McLean from his classic anthem, “American Pie.”

6. See generally, Statement of Commissioner J. Christopher Giancarlo on Proposed Rule for Position Limits for Derivatives, December 5, 2016, available at https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/SpeechesTestimony/giancarlostatement120516

7. “The New Mediocre Is Not Good Enough,” Keynote Address of the Author Before the Cato Summit on Financial Regulation (June 2, 2015), available at https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/SpeechesTestimony/opagiancarlos-7#P36_9523, henceforth, “Giancarlo, “The New Mediocre.”

8. Labor Force Participation Rates, US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, http://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNU01300000 (last visited Jun. 1, 2015).

9. Richard Fry, “A Rising Share of Young Adults Live in Their Parents' Home,” Pew Research Center (Aug. 1, 2013), available at http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2013/08/01/a-rising-share-of-young-adults-live-in-their-parents-home/

10 10. News Release, “Employment Characteristics of Families—2014,” US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (Apr. 23, 2015), available at http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/famee.pdf.

11 11. W. Mark Crain and Nicole V. Crain, “The Cost of Federal Regulation to the U.S. Economy, Manufacturing and Small Business,” National Association of Manufacturers, (Sept. 10, 2014), 1, available at http://www.nam.org/Data-and-Reports/Cost-of-Federal-Regulations/Federal-Regulation-Full-Study.pdf

12 12. Crain and Crain, “The Cost of Federal Regulations.”

13 13. Crain and Crain, “The Cost of Federal Regulations.”

14 14. “Follow Up Report: Review of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Response to Allegations Pertaining to the Office of the Chief Economist,” CFTC (January 13, 2016), posted to the CFTC website on February 18, 2016, at https://www.cftc.gov/sites/default/files/idc/groups/public/@aboutcftc/documents/file/oig_oce011316.pdf


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