Читать книгу The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks - J. Davis Milton - Страница 13


But excitement was bubbling: she’d tell all her friends

Of the plans for the fucks and the baskets to end!

Waving madly, assuming these two girls had seen her –

One pal was named Marge and the other Edwina –

But rarely it happens, as you’ll understand,

That reactions from others will go just as planned.

This morning their four eyes were black as black soot

Or like two mouldy grapes in a basket of fruit.

Pair of icy blue faces, contorted and stretched,

Greeted Elodie-Rose as she climbed the bus steps.

Said Edwina: ‘I think you’re wrong in the head.

I heard someone tell someone that someone had said.’

Marge nodded and tutted and furrowed her brow,

‘We were best friends on Monday; we’re not best friends now!’

‘Don’t ask any reasons,’ they chorused and leered,

‘Just that he said that she said that he said you’re weird!’

Normally Elodie-Rose’s pure dear heart would sink,

So preoccupied, girls, with what other girls think.

The Little Girl Who Gave Zero Fucks

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