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EXODUS 37–40 Week 6, Day 2

A great entertainer once said that he became an overnight success after twenty years of hard work. Most of life’s best achievements are the product of tedium. It may be devoted and even inspired tedium, as in the case of Bezalel and Oholiab, and it will almost surely be crowned from time to time with feelings of achievement. And yes, for one who loves what he or she is doing, even the tedium has a kind of glory. Nevertheless, routine and discipline are inevitable factors in any true accomplishment.

That’s something of the lesson of these chapters. Step by step the workers produced the tabernacle, its furnishings, and the garments of the servers. When they were finished it could be said that they “had done all of the work just as the LORD had commanded Moses” (39:42). Now Moses could anoint and consecrate each item, and he, too, “did everything just as the LORD had commanded him” (40:16).

Then God placed a special seal of approval upon the project. The cloud that symbolized God’s presence “covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle” (40:34). The glory was so great that, for a time, not even Moses could enter the building. Let this be a word to all who prepare and teach Sunday school lessons, all who earnestly serve on committees, all who write sermons and sing in church choirs: Do so with dedication and God will visit with glory.

PRAYER: I ask not for a glory that I cannot endure, but for that which will draw me nearer to yourself; in Jesus’ name. Amen.

List as many as possible of the products that went into the Tabernacle.

The Grand Sweep - Large Print

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