Читать книгу Story of the Bible Animals - J. G. Wood - Страница 4

1. The Animals Enter the Ark 2
2. War-Horses and Ancient Egyptian Chariot 4
3. Shepherd Leading Sheep and Goats to their Fold in the Rock 6
4. A Desert-Scene 8
5. The Garden of Eden 19
6. Lion Drinking at a Pool 21
7. A Lion Kills the Prophet from Judah 22
8. Lion and Tiger 23
9. The Lion Replies to the Thunder 25
10. Lioness and Young 27
11. Lion Carrying Home Supplies 31
12. African Lions 32
13. The Lion Attacks the Herd 34
14. The Lair of the Lion 35
15. The Lion Listens to the Approach of the Hunter 39
16. The Leopard 43
17. Leopard Attacking a Herd of Deer 45
18. The Leopard Leaps upon his Prey 47
19. Waiting 49
20. Leopard 51
21. Cat and Kittens 52
22. Cat 54
23. Dogs in an Eastern City at Night 57
24. Shimei Exulting over King David 59
25. Lazarus Lying at the Rich Man's Door 62
26. The Death of Jezebel 63
27. Syrian Dog 64
28. Eastern Water-Seller 68
29. Wolves Attacking a Flock of Sheep 70
30. Wolves Chasing Deer 72
31. The Wolf 73
32. Wolves Attacking Wild Goats 75
33. The Jackal 76
34. Foxes or Jackals Devouring the Carcase of a Goat 77
35. A Feast in Prospect 79
36. A Feast Secured 81
37. A Trespasser 83
38. Leopard Robbed of its Prey by Hyænas 87
39. Hyænas Devouring Bones 89
40. Weasels 93
41. The Biter Bit 95
42. Badgers 99
43. Supposed Form and Arrangement of the Tabernacle 101
44. Bears Descending the Mountains 105
45. On the Watch 107
46. Seeking an Outlook 109
47. A Family Party 111
48. Bear 112
49. Porcupine 113
50. The Mole-Rat 115
51. The Mouse 119
52. Dagon Fallen Down before the Ark 120
53. Mouse and Nest 121
54. Jerboa or Leaping-Mouse 122
55. The Field-Mouse 123
56. The Syrian Hare 127
57. A Timid Group 129
58. Altar of Burnt-Offering 133
59. The Prodigal Son Returns 134
60. Abraham Offers Food to the Three Strangers 135
61. Oxen Treading Out Grain 139
62. Eastern Ox-Cart 140
63. The Ark of the Covenant being Drawn by Cows 141
64. Ploughing with Oxen 143
65. Mummy of a Sacred Bull taken from an Egyptian Tomb 146
66. Animals being Sold for Sacrifice in the Porch of the Temple 147
67. Jeroboam Sets up a Golden Calf at Bethel 148
68. The Buffalo 149
69. The Bhainsa, or Domestic Buffalo, and Camel Drawing the Plough 151
70. Wild Bull or Oryx 155
71. The Oryx 157
72. The Unicorn 158
73. The Bison 160
74. Bison Killing Wolf 161
75. The Gazelle or Roe of Scripture 163
76. Gazelles 164
77. The Falcon Used in Our Hunt 168
78. The Arab is Delighted at the Success of the Hunt 169
79. The Gazelle 170
80. The Addax 172
81. The Bubale or Fallow Deer of Scripture 175
82. Sheep 176
83. Arabs Journeying to Fresh Pastures 178
84. View of the Pyramids 179
85. Jacob Meets Rachel at the Well 182
86. Eastern Shepherd Watching his Flock 183
87. David Gathers Stones from the Brook to Cast at Goliath 185
88. An Eastern Shepherd 186
89. Sheep Following their Shepherd 187
90. Ancient Sheep-Pen 190
91. The Poor Man's Lamb 193
92. The Rich Man's Feast 193
93. Flocks of Sheep being taken into Jerusalem 195
94. Sounding the Trumpets in the Year of Jubilee 202
95. Ram's Horn Trumpet 203
96. A Lamb upon the Altar of Burnt Offering 204
97. The Place of Sacrifice 206
98. The Chamois 211
99. Chamois Defending its Young 213
100. Chasing the Aoudad 214
101. The Mouflon 216
102. Jacob Deceives his Father and Takes Esau's Blessing 218
103. The Angel Appears to Gideon 219
104. Eastern Water-Carriers with Bottles made of Goat-Skin 224
105. Goats on the March 228
106. Herd of Goats Attacked by a Lion 231
107. Arabian Ibex, the Wild Goat of Scripture 236
108. The Deer 238
109. Red Deer 239
110. Fallow Deer or Hind of Scripture 240
111. A Quiet Spot 241
112. Red Deer and Fawn 243
113. The Leader of the Herd 245
114. The Watchful Doe 247
115. A Kneeling Camel 248
116. Jacob Leaves Laban and Returns to Canaan 249
117. A Camp in the Desert 250
118. A Grateful Shade 253
119. Camels Laden with Boughs 257
120. Morning in the Desert: Starting of the Caravan 258
121. The Camel Post 261
122. A Runaway 263
123. An Arab Sheik Mounted Upon his Camel 264
124. Aaron's Rod bears Almonds 266
125. Camel Riding 267
126. The Deloul, or Swift Camel 268
127. Another Mode of Riding the Camel 270
128. Passing a Camel in a Narrow Street of an Eastern City 277
129. Moses at the Burning Bush 278
130. An Arab Encampment 279
131. On the March 281
132. Hair of the Camel 283
133. Camel Going through a "Needle's Eye" 285
134. A Rest in the Desert 287
135. Bactrian Camels Drawing Cart 289
136. Trial of Arab Horses 292
137. An Arab Horse of the Kochlani Breed 293
138. The War-Horse 295
139. Arab Horses 297
140. Buying an Arab Horse 299
141. The Arab's Favorite Steeds 301
142. Pharaoh Pursues the Israelites with Chariots and Horses, and the Sea covers them 302
143. Elijah is Carried Up 304
144. The Israelites, led by Joshua, take Jericho 308
145. Ancient Battlefield 309
146. Chariot of State 311
147. Ancient Egyptian Sculpture Representing a Victorious King in his Chariot Slaying his Enemies 313
148. Mummy of an Egyptian King over Three Thousand Years Old 314
149. Ass and Driver 315
150. Entering Jerusalem 317
151. Syrian Asses 319
152. A Street in Cairo, Egypt 322
153. Beggar in the Streets of Cairo 324
154. Night-Watch in Cairo 325
155. Hunting Wild Asses 331
156. Mules of the East 334
157. Absalom is Caught in the Boughs of an Oak Tree 335
158. Daniel Refuses to Eat the King's Meat 337
159. The Prodigal Son 340
160. Eleazar Refuses to Eat Swine's Flesh 341
161. A Mother and her Seven Sons Tortured for Refusing to Eat Swine's Flesh 342
162. The Evil Spirits enter a Herd or Swine 343
163. Wild Boars Devouring the Carcase of a Deer 344
164. Wild Boars 345
165. Wild Boars Destroying a Vineyard 347
166. Indian Elephant 349
167. King Solomon, Seated upon his Throne, Receives the Queen of Sheba 350
168. Indian Elephants 351
169. The War-Elephant 355
170. African Elephants 359
171. Elephants' Watering-Place 361
172. Tiger 363
173. Tiger in the Reeds 364
174. Head of Tiger 365
175. The Hyrax 367
176. Hippopotamus 372
177. Hippopotamus Pool 375
178. The Great Jaws of the Hippopotamus 376
179. Hippopotamus Emerging from the River 377
180. Hippopotamus Eating Grass 379
181. A Hippopotamus-Hunt in Egypt 381
182. Hippopotamus and Trap 384
183. The Baboon 387
184. The Rhesus Monkey 389
185. Feeding the Monkeys in India 390
186. Troublesome Neighbors 391
187. Monkeys Entering a Plantation 392
188. Slothful Monkeys 393
189. A Privileged Race 394
190. The Wanderoo 396
191. The Enemy Discovered 397
192. Bonnet Monkeys 399
193. The Bat 401
194. Bats' Resting-Place 403
195. Great Fox-Headed Bat, or Flying Fox 405
196. Cave Near the Site of Ancient Jericho 406
197. Night in the Tropics 407
198. Leopards 408
199. The Home of the Vulture 411
200. The Lämmergeier 412
201. A Successful Defence 415
202. Struck from a Dizzy Height 417
203. The Vulture's Nest 418
204. The Egyptian Vulture, or Gier Eagle 420
205. Vultures 425
206. The Eagle and the Hare 430
207. Eagles 432
208. Eagle Returning to the Nest with her Prey 435
209. The Osprey Searching for Fish 437
210. Snatched from the Deep: The Osprey Rises with his Prey 439
211. The Kite, or Vulture of Scripture 441
212. The Peregrine Falcon, or Glede 444
213. The Lanner Falcon 446
214. The Hawk 447
215. Kestrel Hovering Over a Field in Search of Prey 449
216. The Wind-hover, or Kestrel 450
217. The Barn Owl 454
218. The Little Owl 456
219. Caught Napping 457
220. Raven.—Barn Owl.—Eagle Owl 459
221. A Family Council 460
222. The Night Hawk on the Wing 462
223. The Night Hawk 463
224. The Swallow 466
225. Lost from the Flock 469
226. The Swallow and Swift 471
227. View of the Sea of Galilee 472
228. The Swallow's Favorite Haunt 473
229. Swallows at Home 475
230. The Hoopoe 478
231. Eastern Housetops 479
232. Reading the Law to the People after the Return from Captivity 482
233. The Blue Thrush, or Sparrow of Scripture 483
234. The Tree Sparrow 485
235. Sparrows 486
236. A Forest Scene 487
237. The Great Spotted Cuckoo 488
238. Noah Receives the Dove 489
239. Jesus Drives Out of the Temple the Moneychangers and Those who Sold Doves 493
240. The Rock Dove 494
241. Blue Rock Pigeons 495
242. The Turtle Dove 497
243. The Hen and her Brood 498
244. The Domestic Fowl 499
245. Poultry 500
246. The Peacock 501
247. Peafowl 503
248. Feathers of the Peacock 504
249. Partridges 505
250. The Greek Partridge 507
251. Partridge and their Young 508
252. Eastern Quail 509
253. The Quail 510
254. Flight of Quail 515
255. The Raven 517
256. Elijah Fed by Ravens 518
257. Ravens' Roosting-Place 521
258. Ravens' Nest 522
259. Ostrich and Nest 527
260. Arabs Hunting the Ostrich 533
261. The Bittern 537
262. Bittern and Cormorant 539
263. The Home of the Bittern 541
264. The Heron 543
265. The Home of the Heron 545
266. The Papyrus Plant 548
267. The Home of the Crane 549
268. The Crane 550
269. The Stork 553
270. Storks and their Nests 555
271. A Nest of the White Stork 559
272. Ibis and Gallinule 561
273. The Pelican 568
274. Lizards 575
275. Tortoises 577
276. The Dhubb and the Tortoise 578
277. Water Tortoise 579
278. Crocodile Attacking Horses 587
279. A Crocodile Pool of Ancient Egypt 590
280. Crocodiles of the Upper Nile 591
281. Ichneumon Devouring the Eggs of the Crocodile 597
282. A Crocodile Trap 599
283. A Fight for Life 601
284. The Cyprius, or Lizard 602
285. The Chameleon 605
286. Gecko and Chameleon 606
287. The Gecko 609
288. Serpents 611
289. Boa Constrictor and Tiger 613
290. Cobra and Cerastes 615
291. The Israelites are Bitten by Serpents in the Wilderness, and Moses Lifts Up the Serpent of Brass 616
292. The Serpent-Charmer 619
293. The Viper 621
294. Teaching Cobras to Dance 623
295. Horned Viper 625
296. The Viper, or Epheh 627
297. The Toxicoa 628
298. The Frog 630
299. Fishes 633
300. A River Scene 635
301. Peter Catches the Fish 636
302. Muræna, Long-Headed Barbel, and Sheat Fish 638
303. Sucking Fish, Tunny, and Coryphene 640
304. Fishing Scene on the Sea of Galilee 642
305. Mode of Dragging the Seine Net 645
306. Nile Perch, Surmullet, and Star-gazer 647
307. The Pearl Oyster 653
308. Insects 655
309. A Swarm of Locusts 659
310. The Locust 663
311. The Bee 665
312. The Hornet and its Nest 669
313. Ants on the March 671
314. Ant of Palestine 675
315. The Crimson Worm 677
316. Mordecai is Led through the City upon the King's Horse 679
317. Butterflies of Palestine 682
318. Noxious Flies of Palestine 685
319. The Scorpion 690
320. Coral 694
Story of the Bible Animals

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