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'O that the Lord Jesus Christ would look down from heaven and restore the Church for which he suffered to a pious and perpetual union, which may cause his glory to shine afar!'647

Francis and his councillors were satisfied upon the whole;648 but the doctors of Rome looked with an uneasy eye upon these (to them) detestable negotiations. There was agitation at the Sorbonne and even at the Louvre. All the leaders of the Roman party who had a voice at court made respectful representations. Cardinal de Tournon added remonstrances. Du Bellay held firm; but it was not so with Francis. He hesitated and staggered. An event occurred to give him a fresh impulse, and to legitimatise in his eyes the reforms demanded by his minister.

612 'Mores modestissimi.'—Melanchthon to the Queen of Navarre, Corp. Ref. ii. p. 733.

613 'Non solum mundities et elegantia singularis, sed etiam quædam non insuavis copia.'—Ibid.

614 'Ad quasdam alias operas, a quibus et natura et voluntate abhorret.'—Ibid. p. 735.

615 'Paupertas, quasi manus injecit.'—Ibid. p. 752.

616 'Velut in quodam numine.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 752.

617 'Homo infimæ sortis et ignotus Celsitudini tuæ.'—Ibid.

618 'Fama tuæ eximiæ pietatis quæ totum terrarum orbem pervagata est.'—Ibid.

619 'Et recensebit ad posteros universa ecclesia.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 733.

620 He died there in 1561. See Senebier, Hist. Litt. de Genève. Ch. le Fort, Livre du Recteur, p. 371. Haag, France Protestante, which contains a list of Baduel's numerous writings.

621 'Videres in ædibus illis perpetuo accedentes et discedentes atque exeuntes aliquos.'—Camerarius, Vita Melanchthonis, p. 40.

622 'Quanta dissipatio reipublicæ et ecclesiæ.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 740.

623 'In plerisque dicebat regem esse non alienum a libro Philippi quo locos ille tractat communes.'—Gerdesius, Hist. Evang. renov. iv. p. 114.

624 'Regem Gallorum apud pontificem de pace et mitigatione tantarum rerum acturum esse.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 976.

625 'Si monarchæ aliqui efficerent ut aliqui boni et docti viri amanter et libere inter se colloquerentur.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 740.

626 'Et interdum præter rem tumultuantur.'—Ibid.

627 'Usitatam ecclesiæ formam conservare, quantum possibile est.—Ibid.

628 'Ut Celsitudo tua, propter Christi gloriam, hortetur summos monarchas.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 740.

629 'Sed nihil opus est, te currentem, ut dici solet, adhortari.'—Ibid.

630 'Assentior tibi, mi Bucere, desperandam esse concordiam cum pontifice romano.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 275.

631 'Dass die obere Gewalt eine heilige sey.'—Schmidt, Zeitschrift für Hist. Theol.

632 'Consentientibus symmistis meis.'—Consilium Buceri, Strasburg MSS.

633 Hist. of the Ref. of the Sixteenth Century, vol. ii. bk. viii. ch. viii.

634 Melanchthon's memoir will be found in the Corpus Reformatorum, published by Dr. Bretschneider, ii. pp. 743-766. I am indebted to Professor Schmidt for a copy of Bucer's memoir, which is in the Strasburg library. The volume containing Hedio's memoir has disappeared from the archives; we have, however, found a few extracts.

635 'Concordia esse non potest nisi inter eos qui sunt de ecclesia.'—Consilium Buceri MS.

636 'Pontifex et summi reges agnoscant ecclesiæ morbos.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 743.

637 'Nisi inter eos qui Christo vere credunt.'—Consilium Buceri.

638 'Nec etiam ut nulla omnino labes tolleretur.'—Ibid.

639 'Creari tales oporteret.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 746.

640 'Locum de justificatione, ut a nostris tractatur, probare regem.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 1017.

641 'Viva vivorum membrorum Christi communione.'—Buceri Consilium MS.

642 'Hic unus nodus de missa videtur inexplicabilis esse.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 781.

643 'Orationes et legendas multas ineptas et impias abrogandas aut saltem emendandas.'—Ibid. p. 1015.

644 'Veram Christi in cœna præsentiam exprimi.'—Buceri Cons.

645 'Plurimi in manifesta turpitudine vivunt.'—Corp. Ref. ii. p. 764.

646 Schmidt, Zeitschrift für Hist. Theolog. 1850, p. 35.

647 'Ut Christus ecclesiam suam ... redigat in concordiam piam et perpetuam.'—Corp. Ref.

648 'Hos articulos Francisco regi non displicuisse multa sunt quæ suadent.'—Gerdesius, Hist. Evang. renov. iv. p. 124.

History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin (Vol. 1-8)

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