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The question as to what kind of reading shall yield us the most exquisite enjoyment, largely depends upon our ability for self-development. Taste in reading, as in eating, is often an educated faculty. The relish that we now have for many kinds of food, we had to acquire. We all have faculties for intellectual, moral and spiritual enjoyment, in lines of thought corresponding. These must be developed by use. Reader, you have the ability, if you will allow it to be developed, of enjoying a perusal of this sublime subject. Mere sensational reading like emotional religion has its field of enjoyment, its rills of happiness; but it is changeable and uncertain. Songs of praise and devotional reading have a higher place in the human soul, lasting in their nature.

Observation and historical research open another field of enjoyment. Language and location of places may become a passion in the mind. The study of causes in nature, at best but secondary, may hold the mind in a sweet revery of delight; but these are mere rills of comfort compared to an open sea, to the ability of reading and comprehending first causes, in the light of prophetic declarations.

We are thrilled in the presence of relics of ancient history. The sight of a mummy, known to be an ancient person of historic note thrills us with admiration and agreeable wonder, as in the case of Rameses II. Three thousand years seems a long time; yet it is easy to obtain almost any where a fossil, fish or shell, representing as many million of years. No where else are the “Footprints” of God so plain, measuring the long ages of time, as seen in the Bible.

The fact that you have not been accustomed to read on this subject is no reason why you should not begin at once, and experience the increased reverence for God, the captivating engagement of thought, and the exquisite enjoyment of soul, as a result. Do you still ask what practical benefit will this knowledge be to you? Let us rather ask what harm will come from a general impression that the cosmological utterances of the Bible are so tangled up in a network of scientific suppositions, as to cause even good men to drop them, as parts of God’s inspiration to man. Such results are already produced all over the land.

The Bible has been assailed on its cosmological sayings. Shall it be defended? If you are so fortunate as to be entrenched in the belief of the inspiration of the Scriptures, while you are unable to give a reason for the hope within, your friends may not be so fortunate. Your children, it may be, will return from school, intent upon showing you the discrepancies with the established teachings of science. If these things are, as they purport to be, given by inspiration of God, they can never be made to harmonize with an illogical and untruthful cosmology. How important, then, that we should have the right theory.

The disciples of Jesus were asked, “Have any of the rulers of the Jews believed on him?” Perhaps before you purchase you ask, Have any men of scientific notoriety endorsed these views? Of the many scores of good words given by editors, lawyers, doctors, ministers, teachers, and professors in colleges, I have room only for a few. Prof. David Swing of Chicago said: “The Neptunian theory of creation, as presented in Dr. Woodman’s book, is the most logical presentation of cosmology that I ever read. He writes in a calm and truthful style.” The late Prof. Norton of the Cal. State Normal said: “You have chosen an opportune time for the presentation of your book, for the theories of cosmology are on the eve of a mighty revolution, in which the water theory is likely to come to the front.” Prof. Reid, President of the State University, said: “The subject, as you present it, is wonderfully in accordance with what we see in Nature; and it is still more wonderful that you should find it so beautifully set forth in the Bible.” Prof. LeConte, of the same University, said: “Your theory is a wide departure from everything hitherto written upon the subject. I will say this of it; it accounts for more unexplained phenomena than any theory before presented. I will give you this item, which I know to be correct. The Magnolia tree in the Tertiary period, grew and blossomed as far as 80 degrees north.”

Numerous bodies of clergymen have endorsed the theory as a just and beautiful presentation of Scripture; many as the “only theory with which Moses’ Genesis of Creation can be reconciled.” The say-so of others may satisfy the indolent and careless, but to enjoy the subject you must read and digest these grand truths for yourself.

The Neptunian, or Water Theory of Creation

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