Читать книгу The Storyteller - J. Michaels - Страница 10

My Captain’s Door


Waves are hitting hard

And tossing our ship about

The storm attacks us harshly

The fear begins to mount

The crew is less together now

Allowing fear to push apart

Maritime brothers we were

Seeming less so now

The time to pull together

Most needed in moments of peril

No other recourse given

That will save our ship of fools

And foolish we are and foolish we’ve been

But now the time approaches

To pull together mates

And awaken as one again

So I knock hard

Against my captain’s door

Yet no reply is forthcoming

Silence answers, nothing more

Crew and ship both dissolving

Amid the tough and briny assault

Hope crashing down with the fallen mast

Only dread in common now

I call for my captain

Louder still I yell

Save us from the fate upon us

Let not our journey be to hell!

My voice finally failing

To bring the captain out

My heart and ship are breaking

Finally Heaven’s name I shout

My boys pause in their terror

Knowing a divine call had been made

Leaving despair for a moment

Hoping again the storm might fade

A sailor believes in miracles

At times his only way out

Believing in man or captain

Insufficient counter to the ocean’s rage

But mighty sea or thundering skies

Cower down in deference

At the call to a higher power

And make ready to obey it

The maelstrom subsided

The sea at peace again

Men’s hearts calmer now

Having witnessed the divine friend

A Captain of larger stature

Who would never fail us again

From the poetry collection Common Ground

The Storyteller

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