Читать книгу Canadian Battlefields, and Other Poems - J. R. Wilkinson - Страница 9



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Fought June 24th, 1813. British, 47 Regulars and 200 Indians Americans, 570, with 50 Cavalry and 2 Guns.

She knew, and her heart beat faster,

The foe would march that day;

And resolved, though only a woman,

To silently steal away

And warn the outpost at Beaver Dams;

Alone, and on foot, to go

Through the dim and awesome forest,

To evade the vigilant foe.

No one thought of a woman,

And she gained a path she knew

In the lonesome, stately forest,

And over the dark way flew.

On and on with a beating heart,

And never a pause for rest;

Twenty miles of dim and distance,

And the sun low down the west.

Startled sometimes to terror

By the blood-curdling cry

Of wolves from the faint far distance,

And sometimes nearer by;

And hollow sounds and whispers

That rose from the forest deep;

Ghostly and phantom voices

That caused her nerves to creep.

But she pauses not, nor falters,

But presses along the way;

Noiselessly through the distance,

Through the shadows weird and gray.

In time must the warning be given,

She must not, must not fail;

Though rough is the path and toilsome,

Her courage must prevail.

“To arms! to arms, FitzGibbon!”

Came a woman’s thrilling cry;

“Lose not a precious moment—

The foe! the foe is nigh!”

And a woman pale and weary

Burst on the startled sight;

Out from the dark awesome forest,

Out of the shadowy night.

“They come! they come, six hundred strong,

Stealing upon you here!

But I, a weak woman, tell you,

Prepare and have no fear.”

The handful of British heroes

Resolve the outpost to save,

With the aid of two hundred Indians,

Allies cunning and brave.

Still as death the line is waiting

The onset of the foe;

And the summer winds make whisper

In the foliage soft and low.

“Ready!” and each heart beat faster;

“Fire low, and without fear.”

And they fired a crashing volley,

And gave a defiant cheer.

Staggered by the deadly missiles,

That like a mighty blow,

Fell swift on the line advancing,

Fell on the astonished foe.

And for two long, desperate hours

The furious fight raged there;

Till the foemen, foiled and beaten,

Surrendered in despair.

Well done, gallant FitzGibbon!

Thy name shall live in story;

Thy daring feat of arms that day

Is wreathed with fadeless glory.

One other name my song would praise,

A patriot soul so brave,

That dared the forest’s lonely wilds

FitzGibbon’s post to save.

Noble woman! heroic soul!

We would honor thee to-day;

Thou canst not, shall not be forgot.

More lustrous is the ray

Time reflects upon thy deed.

Thy talismanic name—

Canadians, sound it through the land,

Perpetuate her fadeless fame!

Canadian Battlefields, and Other Poems

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