Conquest of Constantinople by Turks | 1453 |
Columbus discovers Bay of Limon | 1492 |
Rodrigo de Bastidas, Balboa, and La Cosa reach the Isthmus | 1500 |
Columbus's Fourth Voyage, vainly seeks the strait | 1502 |
Balboa sights the Pacific | Sept. 25, 1513 |
Pedrarias founds the old town of Panama | 1519 |
Magellan discovers the straits that bear his name | 1519-21 |
Gonzalez de Avila discovers Lake Nicaragua | 1522 |
The quest of Isthmian Strait given up as hopeless | circa 1532 |
Gomara appeals to Charles V. to construct canal | 1551 |
Drake sights the Pacific | 1573 |
Philip III. directs surveys for Darien Canal | 1616 |
English seize Jamaica | 1655 |
Henry Morgan destroys old Panama | 1671 |
Paterson's settlement at Panama | 1698 |
Spanish surveys of Tehuantepec and Nicaragua | 1771 and 1779 |
Von Humboldt's residence in Central America | 1799-1804 |
Panama declares its independence and joins New Granada | 1822 |
Overtures made by Central America to United States for canal | 1825 |
Goethe's prophecies | 1827 |
Dutch canal concession from Nicaraguan Government, 1829; abandoned | 1830 |
British Honduras annexed by Great Britain | 1835 |
United States Treaty with New Granada | 1846 |
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty | 1850 |
Panama Railway opened to traffic | 1855 |
Dickinson-Ayon Treaty between United States and Nicaragua | 1868 |
President Grant recommends canal under United States control | 1869 |
Apppoints Interoceanic Canal Commission | 1869 |
Suez Canal opened | 1869 |
La Société Civile Internationale du Canal Interocéanique founded | 1876 |
Grant's Commission reports in favour of Nicaraguan route | 1876 |
The De Lesseps Company formed | 1878 |
Company starts work | 1881 |
Bankruptcy of French company | 1889 |
New Panama Company formed | 1889 |
Construction work at Nicaragua | 1890-3 |
Ferdinand de Lesseps died | 1894 |
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty | 1901 |
Spooner Act | 1902 |
Panama revolts from Colombia | 1903 |
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty | 1904 |
American occupation of Isthmus begins | 1904 |
Completion of canal | 1914 |
Formal opening | 1915 |