Читать книгу Michael Walzer - J. Toby Reiner - Страница 2



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Introduction Walzer’s Career Approach and Chapter Outline Notes

1 The Justice of Resorting to War Against Vietnam In Defense of Just-War Theory The Theory of Aggression Exceptions: Civil War and Pre-Emption Humanitarian Intervention Notes

2 Justified Conduct in War Non-Combatant Immunity and Double Effect “Supreme Emergency” and the Limits of jus in bello Terror and Threats to Civilians The “Moral Equality of Soldiers” Notes

3 Complex Equality and the “Spheres of Justice” Intellectual and Political Context Walzer’s Project Distribution for Right Reasons The Social-Meaning Thesis Walzer’s Contribution Notes

10  4 Complex Equality and the Social Democratic Critique of Liberalism Political Vision Walzer and Dissent Socializing Democracy Civil Society, Community, and Free Association Complex Inequality? Notes

11  5 The Challenge of Diversity “Communities of Character”: The Case for Border Restrictions Multiculturalism and the Politics of Difference Community and Identity Notes

12  6 Justice Beyond Borders Justice After War Global Governance and Human Rights Global Distributive Justice Pluralism and the Left Notes

13  7 Religion and Politics Early Work – Symbolism and Discipline in the Study of Puritanism Religious Symbols and National Liberation The Jewish Political Tradition Notes

14  8 Interpretive Method and Social Criticism Three Paths in Moral Philosophy The Practice of Social Criticism Thick and Thin: Reconciling Universal and Particular Walzer as a Social Critic Notes

15  Conclusion

16  Bibliography Works by Walzer Edited and Co-authored Other Works

17  Index

18  End User License Agreement




1 The Justice of Resorting to War











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Michael Walzer

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