Читать книгу The Grip Cartoons - J. W. Bengough - Страница 4

No. 2.Table of ContentsAfter the Session.Table of Contents On the 2nd April, 1873, Hon L. S. Huntington, member for Shefford, from his place in the House, charged Sir John A. Macdonald, Premier of the Conservative Government, with having corruptly sold to Sir Hugh Allan, of Montreal, the Charter of the proposed Canadian Pacific Railway, for a large sum of money, which had been used as a Ministerial Bribery Fund in the preceding General Election. Shortly after this, and before any decided inquiry had been made into the matter, Parliament was adjourned (on May 23rd,) until the following 13th of August. The Cartoon playfully suggests the feeling of the Opposition, (represented by Hon. A. Mackenzie,) towards the accused ministry during the “vacation.” May 31, 1873. AFTER THE SESSION; OR, 'THE SITUATION.' J. A. M-c-d-n-ld.—“Come on, Old Fellow, it's all Right, you know; it's My turn to Treat!” A. M-k-n-ze.—“Oh, aye, Joney! Bet y' maun recollec' I'm Te-total—more espeecially till August!”
The Grip Cartoons

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