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Chapter 6


If I didn’t get out of the office, the fax machine would end up out the window. Four hours on contracts, bids, purchase orders and capital expenditures made me hungry. My client meeting was in an hour and that gave me time to get real food before eating a “normal” dinner with the human.

The pack wolves were out tonight so I’d have the local restaurants to myself. A big juicy steak sounded good and the musings of the local human population would be a nice change from the ill-tempered werewolves I’d been dealing with for the last few days. I stepped onto the sidewalk and got a nose full of car exhaust, human and food scents.

An odd tingle was in the air tonight, a familiar yet foreign magical vibration. With the full moon, lots of supernaturals would be out. The wolves hunting, the vampires stalking and, by a fire somewhere, naked elves danced.

None of that interested me anymore. When I was an agent for the Divine Council, I loved to see the full moon nights because it meant we were going to be out patrolling for those who didn’t abide by the laws of the supernatural world. Now full moon nights were nothing special. Calculating the amount of drywall needed to finish a three-story office building dominated my days. Yeah, life was grand. Going to meet a client not pleased with the progress on his project. This should be a great dinner.

I checked my phone and saw three voicemails and two texts, all from my father, who insisted I be at the pack run tonight. I sent a text that I was stuck at work. He’d be angry, but by now he was in the forest leading the run. Oh well. He stayed angry with me. Why should tonight have been any different?

The unusual tingle increased as I walked the three blocks to Danton’s. With no scent in the air, the tingle meant a vampire in the area.

“Ciao, Lucas.” I knew that voice.

“Ciao, Istagio.” His eyes were black as midnight and as usual, he wore the most expensive Armani suit money could buy.

“May we speak for a moment?” Istagio asked, falling into step beside me.

“Sure, just on my way to grab a steak.”

He wrinkled his nose in obvious disdain for my meal choice. “One of our young ladies has gone missing. Giovanna disappeared three nights ago.”

I stopped. “Do you have any leads?”

Istagio looked into the darkness. “None. It is like your brother. She simply vanished into thin air.” He paused, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “I have consulted a local oracle, who proclaimed Giovanna was taken to be used as a sacrifice.”

“Sacrifice for what?”

“The oracle could not see,” he answered as we continued walking. “I fear she is dead. A youngling, only four summers old, would not have known to stay away from the darkness of black magic.”

“You created her?”

He bowed his head. “Yes. I turned her. I stumbled upon her as she lay dying in the wreckage of a dreadful auto accident. She was so beautiful and her aura pure. I felt she would do well amongst my kind.”

“I’m sorry, Istagio.”

“Your father has no news of your brother?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Not that I’ve heard.”

Istagio’s forehead wrinkled. “There are rumors of dark magic.”

“I’ll put in a call to Tristyn and see if he’s heard anything.” My best buddy, an ambassador for the Divine Council, knew the happenings within the supernatural world.

Istagio nodded and bowed his head. “I appreciate your concern for my lost young one. I am afraid we are too late for her, but I do not wish to lose any others.”

To have people you care about disappear was, in some ways, worse than knowing they were dead. Lack of closure was hard on those left behind. I’d seen what it had done to my father and mother. No one deserved that type of torment.

I offered my hand and the cool skin of the vampire brushed against mine. “I’ll let you know what I find out.”

He pumped my hand once. “Thank you, Lucas. If there is any way I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.”

“Thanks, Istagio. Call if anything comes up.”

The vampire dipped his head and disappeared into the darkness. We had strayed from the main thoroughfare as we talked and my stomach demanded food. I loosened my tie and broke into a jog to follow the aroma of steak.

The odd vibration in the air remained long after Istagio and I parted ways.

A Pack of Two

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