Читать книгу An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore - Jacky Newcomb - Страница 10
If we have angels around us, why is it that things go wrong in our lives?
ОглавлениеAs spirit we move into a human body to work through lessons and goals that we set for ourselves before birth. (We pre-plan skills that we need to practise.) Angels are not allowed to interfere with this plan (or they would be meddling with our curriculum).
Sometimes these lessons are much harder than we ever imagined they might be and this is how an angel can help. They can ease a difficult situation and help us through the pain. They can bring along sympathetic people to help us achieve our goals and support us in times of difficulty. There is one important proviso: we have to ask our angels for their assistance. They need our permission to get involved in our lives. Of course, emergencies are different!
‘Angels do find us in our hour of need.’