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Have angels existed since the beginning of time?


Yes, angels were made right at the beginning and the spirit that resides in the human form was made later, but as to whether angels were created just before or just after the beginning of the world is up for debate.

‘On the second day, God created the angels with their natural propensity to good. Later He made beasts with their animal desires. But God was pleased with neither. So He fashioned man, a combination of angel and beast, free to follow good or evil.’


In Psalm 148 in the old Testament it says,

‘Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights! Praise him all his angels praise him, all his host!…Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created.’

Others believe that the seven great archangels were made to help with the building of the Cosmos. Jewish writings suggest that they came into existence each morning through the breath of God, only to be reabsorbed each evening after their work had been completed. The Catholic Church teaches that before God made the world he made the angels – and all in one go! So I guess the answer to that question depends on whom you ask.

An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore

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