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Angels look over all sorts of pursuits. Archangel Gabriel works with all creative endeavours and is mentioned in all hobbies and pastimes on the list below (which is by no means comprehensive!). The more complicated the hobby, the more angels have an interest; activities which involve other people also have the interests of several angels.

Each archangel is responsible for different aspects of the activity. For example fishing involves a variety of angel gifts (patience, water, fish, etc.), with each area having different archangels in charge. To work on these activities, call on any, or all of the archangels listed. If you want to pick one, go with your first instinct – you have your own ability to know which archangel is the right one to call.

Aerobics Gabriel, Metatron
Aircraft Spotting Gabriel, Metatron
Alternative Health Gabriel, Raphael, Raziel, Sariel, Uriel, Zadkiel
Amateur Astronomy Gabriel, Raziel
Amateur Radio Gabriel, Haniel, Michael
Angling Ariel, Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Michael, Raphael
Animals Ariel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael
Antiques Gabriel, Michael
Arts and Crafts Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Uriel
Artwork Azriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Uriel
Autographs Gabriel, Haniel
Autosport Gabriel, Metatron
Backgammon Gabriel, Michael
Baseball Cards Gabriel, Haniel
Baseball, Softball and Rounders Gabriel, Metatron
Bike Gabriel, Metatron
Bird Feeding Ariel, Gabriel, Jeremiel, Metatron, Zadkiel
Bird Watching Ariel, Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Raphael, Zadkiel
Board Games Gabriel, Michael
Boating Gabriel, Metatron
Books Gabriel, Sariel
Bowling Gabriel
Bridge Gabriel, Michael
Bus Spotting Gabriel, Metatron, Raguel
Butterfly Watching Ariel, Gabriel, Haniel, Raphael, Zadkiel
Campaigning Gabriel, Haniel, Jeremiel, Jophiel, Michael, Raguel
Canoeing Ariel, Gabriel, Metatron
Card Games Gabriel, Haniel, Michael, Uriel
Cars Gabriel
Caving Gabriel, Metatron
Chess Gabriel, Haniel, Michael, Uriel
Cinema Gabriel
Classic Bikes Gabriel, Michael
Classic Cars Gabriel, Jophiel, Michael
Clubs Gabriel, Metatron, Raguel, Uriel
Coins Gabriel, Raguel
Collecting Gabriel, Raguel
Comic Books Gabriel, Raguel
Company Gabriel, Haniel, Raguel, Zadkiel
Computer Games Gabriel, Michael
Computer Programming Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel
Concerts Gabriel, Haniel, Raguel, Sandalphon
Cooking Azriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Raguel
Countryside Gabriel, Metatron
Crafts Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Uriel
Crochet Azriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Uriel
Cross Stitch Azriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Uriel
Crosswords Chamuel, Gabriel, Uriel
Cycling Gabriel, Metatron
Dancing Gabriel, Metatron, Raguel
Dining Gabriel, Haniel, Raguel
DIY Gabriel, Metatron, Uriel
Dog Breeding Gabriel
Doll Making Azriel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Uriel
Dolls’ Houses and Miniatures Azriel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Uriel
Dominoes Gabriel, Uriel
Drawing Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron
Electronics Gabriel, Michael
Embroidery Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Uriel
Entertaining Gabriel, Haniel, Raguel
Family Gabriel, Haniel, Raguel, Raphael, Zadkiel
Fantasy Sports Gabriel, Jophiel
Film-making Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Uriel
Fine Wines Gabriel
Fish Keeping Ariel, Azriel, Gabriel, Raphael
Fishing Ariel, Azriel, Gabriel
Fitness Gabriel. Jeremiel, Metatron
Food Azriel, Gabriel
Football Gabriel, Metatron, Raguel
Games Gabriel, Metatron
Gardening Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel
Genealogy Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Sariel
Gliding Gabriel, Metatron
Golf Gabriel, Metatron
Grandchildren Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Raphael, Zadkiel
Health Gabriel, Haniel, Uriel, Zadkiel
Hi-Fi Gabriel, Sandalphon
Hiking Gabriel, Metatron
Historical Re-enactment Gabriel, Metatron
History Gabriel, Michael
Home Brewing Gabriel, Haniel
Home Computing Gabriel, Uriel
Homes Gabriel, Haniel
Horse Riding Ariel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Metatron, Raphael
Hunting Gabriel, Raphael
Internet Surfing Gabriel, Uriel
Jigsaw Puzzle Chamuel, Haniel, Uriel
Kit-cars Gabriel, Metatron, Uriel
Kite Flying Gabriel, Jophiel, Metatron
Knitting Azriel, Gabriel, Uriel
Learning Foreign Languages Gabriel, Michael
Lego Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Michael
Literature Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron
Model Building Azriel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Uriel
Modelling Gabriel, Haniel
Motor Boats Gabriel, Michael
Mountain Biking Gabriel, Michael
Mountain Climbing Gabriel, Michael
Musical Composition Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Metatron, Sandalphon, Uriel
Musician Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Sandalphon, Uriel
Nature Ariel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Metatron
Needlecraft Azriel, Gabriel, Jophiel
Organic Gardening Gabriel, Haniel, Michael
Outdoor activities Gabriel, Metatron
Painting Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel
Parenting Gabriel, Jeremiel, Metatron, Raphael, Zadkiel
Patchwork Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Uriel
Personal Development Gabriel, Raphael, Raziel, Uriel, Zadkiel
Pets Ariel, Gabriel, Jeremiel, Michael
Photography Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel
Playing Musical Instruments Gabriel, Haniel, Raguel, Sandalphon
Postcards Gabriel, Raguel
Puzzles Chamuel, Gabriel, Haniel, Michael, Uriel
Quilting Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Michael
Rafting Ariel, Gabriel, Michael
Reading Azriel, Gabriel, Sariel
Retail Therapy / Shopping Metatron
Robotics Gabriel, Metatron, Uriel
Role-playing Games Gabriel, Raphael
Rugby Gabriel, Metatron, Michael
Running Gabriel, Metatron, Michael
Sailing Ariel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Michael
Scrap Book Making Gabriel, Haniel, Uriel
Sculpture Azriel, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel
Sewing Azriel, Gabriel, Uriel
Singing Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Sandalphon, Uriel
Slimming Gabriel, Metatron, Michael
Sports Gabriel, Metatron, Michael
Stained Glass Azriel, Gabriel, Uriel
Stamp Collecting Gabriel, Michael, Raguel
Swimming Ariel, Gabriel, Michael
Team Games Gabriel, Michael, Uriel
Television Gabriel
Theatre Gabriel, Sandalphon, Uriel
Toy Making Azriel, Gabriel, Uriel
Trading Cards Gabriel, Raguel
Train Spotting Gabriel, Raguel
Travelling Gabriel, Haniel, Jophiel, Michael
Trucks Gabriel
Videos Gabriel, Sandalphon
Walking Gabriel, Jophiel, Michael
Wildlife Ariel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Raphael
Woodcarving Azriel, Gabriel, Haniel, Michael, Uriel
Woodworking Azriel, Gabriel
Writing Azriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Metatron, Uriel
Yoga Gabriel, Jeremiel, Michael, Raphael
An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore

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