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Chapter 3


Camille had planned to do some Christmas shopping that weekend, but after what happened last night with Dr. Dudley, she decided to stay home. She was still too shaken to be around a crowd of people. Right now she desired to stay in the security of her cozy two-bedroom townhome.

She spent most of the morning researching sexual harassment, although she wasn’t sure filing a complaint was the right move to make. Dr. Dudley clearly had had too much to drink last night, so most likely it was the alcohol talking. But then, this wasn’t the first time he’d made sexual innuendoes. She had heard comments from Isabelle and some of the other interns about Dudley, but she had chosen to believe that he was harmless until recently.

She had always been accused of believing that there was good in every human being. Camille wanted to believe it, but the actions of her chief of staff left her with doubt. She had heard the rumors about him and Nurse Tsang, but had dismissed them as nonsense, especially since Dudley had instituted a non-fraternization policy in the hospital. Nurses and interns—even the doctors themselves—often gossiped.

Dudley appeared to be a happily married man, although his wife and children traveled frequently to visit family. However, if the rumors were true, Camille could not understand why he would resort to extramarital affairs when he had such a lovely wife at home.

Camille was torn.

She didn’t want to say anything out of her affection for Mrs. Dudley and the children. Perhaps she should sit down with the chief and try to get him to see the error of his ways. Camille didn’t want to bring the hospital board into this or subject the hospital to more legal action.

By the late afternoon, Camille decided to go to the gym. Whenever she was frustrated, she liked to play a game of basketball. Usually on Saturdays, there was a co-ed game going on in her neighborhood.

Camille really needed to release some of the tension she felt. If Maxwell hadn’t come along when he did, she had no idea how far Dr. Dudley would have gone.

Even now, she wasn’t sure how she would handle facing her chief of staff on Monday. He had once been a man she respected. Now, whenever she thought of him, Camille felt repulsed.

Maxwell decided to get some of his Christmas shopping out of the way. He wanted to pick up a few gifts for his nieces and nephew especially. He spent the greater part of Saturday afternoon in Landmark Mall, and then met Ray for an early dinner.

“So what do you think of Camille Hunter?” Ray asked while they were waiting for their food to arrive.

“She’s a nice girl,” Maxwell responded with a slight shrug. “Why do you ask?”

“I saw you two on the dance floor last night.” He grinned. “The two of you looked pretty good together. Camille is a real sweetheart.”

He gave his friend a sidelong look. “You wouldn’t be trying to set me up with her, would you, Ray?”

Feigning innocence, Ray responded, “Naw …just thought you might be interested in her. That’s all.”

“She is beautiful,” Maxwell admitted. “But I didn’t come to Virginia to find a girlfriend or a wife. Once we get this case settled, I’m heading back to New York.”

Ray took a sip of his iced tea before inquiring, “Are you still in contact with Kendra?”

Maxwell nodded. “She refuses to accept that our relationship is over. I’ve told her over and over again, but it doesn’t seem to sink in.”

“Maybe it isn’t really over,” Ray suggested. “You two have broken up and gotten back together so many times, I’ve lost count.”

The waiter arrived with their meals.

Maxwell waited until he left before saying, “I used to believe that Kendra was the only woman for me.”

“What changed your mind?”

He met Ray’s gaze. “It took me a while, but I eventually realized that no relationship should be that hard or that dramatic. When Kendra doesn’t get her way, she goes out and does something crazy. Take this reality show for example. She wants to air our problems to the entire world and she expects me to be okay with it.”

Ray chuckled. “She does talk about you a lot on the show.”

“You actually watch it?” Maxwell asked. He sliced off a piece of his steak and stuck it in his mouth, chewing slowly.

“You’ve never watched it?” Ray asked. He wiped his mouth on the edge of his napkin.

Maxwell shook his head. “I don’t intend to watch the show ever, but then I am not a fan of reality shows. I actually find it strange that all of the celebrities I’ve come into contact with complain of not having any privacy—yet half of them are now starring in reality shows.”

Ray agreed.

The two men finished off their meals while discussing the Matthews lawsuit.

After Ray paid the check, he asked, “So what are you getting into this evening?”

Maxwell checked his watch. “I’m tired so I’m going to head back to the hotel. I’ll see you on Monday morning.”

“Bright and early,” Ray added. “We’re finishing up the depositions next week.”

“Good,” Maxwell said. “I’d like to review all of them as soon as possible.”

They parted ways with Maxwell heading back to the hotel to review the Matthews case file, and Ray on his way to meet his girlfriend.

Camille entered his thoughts once more. Maxwell could understand why Dr. Dudley found her attractive. He thought she was beautiful as well.

I really love her green eyes and her gorgeous smile.

Maxwell gave himself a mental shake. He and Camille were coworkers. He had vowed a long time ago to keep romance and work separated.

Monday morning arrived much too early for Camille.

For the first time in her career, she dreaded going to Hopewell General. Seeing Dr. Dudley and Maxwell Wade would only force her to relive one of the more embarrassing moments of her life.

Camille was thankful to Maxwell for rescuing her, but she was unhappy to be even a little in his debt.

She was glad that no one was around when she entered the hospital. She just needed some time alone before she started work. However, as soon as she stepped off the elevator on the second floor, she found Maxwell waiting for her inside the public relations off ice.

“Good morning,” she greeted him and pasted on a smile, trying to depict an ease she did not feel.

“Do you have a moment?” he asked.

She was acutely aware of her assistant watching her interaction with Maxwell. She nodded and responded, “Sure, come into my office.”

Maxwell followed her inside and closed the door behind them.

“How are you doing?” he asked.

Camille sank down in her chair. “I’m okay.”

He didn’t look like he believed her. She wasn’t acting her usual self, although what could she expect? “Are you sure?” he asked.

Camille nodded. “Dr. Dudley was drunk the other night. Otherwise he wouldn’t have behaved that way.”

“Has he ever approached you in that manner before?” Maxwell wanted to know.

“Not really,” Camille answered. “He has made some comments that I deemed inappropriate, but I’m sure he’s harmless.”

“Do you know if he’s done this with other employees?”

“Maxwell, I’ve heard a few comments here and there that he has an eye for the ladies, but that’s about it.”

“I am going to have a talk with Dudley because the hospital doesn’t need another scandal.”

Camille couldn’t read his expression, but his tone clearly indicated that Maxwell wasn’t pleased by the actions of Hopewell’s chief of staff.

“I don’t think he really means any harm,” she stated.

“Regardless, he needs to take precautions to protect the integrity of the hospital. No employee should have to deal with harassment of any kind, Camille. I just want to make sure that Dudley understands this.”

“Maxwell, I don’t want what happened at the party to get out.”

“Neither do I,” he confessed. “But I do intend to make sure it never happens again, especially on my watch.”

His words gave Camille comfort. She knew that he was sincere and it touched her. Maxwell was so good-looking and charming that it unnerved her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Camille. If you need to talk, feel free to come to me.”

“I’ll be fine.”

The gesture was a sweet one, but Camille would never unburden herself on a man like Maxwell. It was not like they were friends or anything. However, she didn’t want to confide in Jerome where Dudley was concerned. Mostly because Jerome would go ballistic and she didn’t want him losing his job over her.

Maxwell eyed her for a moment, and then smiled. “I don’t doubt that for a moment.”

His smile warmed her all over. Camille forced her attention from his perfectly shaped lips that could only be described as kissable. She had a lot to do and with Maxwell in her office, all she could do was think about him. After a moment, she said, “Have a good day, Maxwell.”

She leaned back in her chair, secretly admiring the way his navy blazer fit his muscular build.

“You, too.”

When he left her office, Camille released a soft sigh. Why on earth did the man have such a strong effect on her?

Dr. Dudley appeared in her doorway, forcing her out of her reverie. Camille stiffened in her chair.

“Do you have a minute to talk?” he asked. The doctor looked just as uncomfortable as she did.

Camille nodded, unable to get the words out.

“I wanted to apologize for my actions the other night,” he said sheepishly. “I had a lot to drink and I guess I lost my head for a moment. Camille, I want you to know that what happened …well, it won’t happen again. I give you my word.”

“Dr. Dudley, your apology is accepted,” Camille responded with no emotion. She wanted to say more—to yell at him for his actions—but she held back. However, she vowed if he ever crossed the line again, she would file a formal complaint. The hospital was already under fire for the actions of another doctor. Camille wanted to spare Hopewell General of another scandal.

He gave a slight nod and walked briskly out of her off ice.

Although she appreciated the gesture, Dr. Dudley’s apology did nothing to relieve Camille’s apprehension. She wasn’t sure if she would ever feel safe around him again.

Maxwell had wanted to comfort Camille.

To tell the truth, he wanted to make love to her.

What is going on with me? Maxwell wondered. He hadn’t experienced such a strong connection to a woman in a long time. Camille was not even his type, which was why this was so puzzling to him.

She looked professional in her conservative, navy blue pant suit with a pair of comfortable pumps.

Ray had just arrived when Maxwell walked out of Camille’s office.

“Your office is set up and ready for you,” he told Maxwell. “We have a conference call scheduled with Matthews’s attorney at eleven.”

“Sounds good,” Maxwell said. He was more than ready to get this lawsuit settled so that he could return to New York. As far as he was concerned, this particular case presented no challenge to him, and would be resolved quickly.

Maxwell settled into his office.

He set down at his desk and made a few phone calls. The first was to his secretary in New York and the second was to his father. They were working together on a case that was due to go to trial in the spring of next year.

Maxwell made notes during his conversation with his father.

“Thanks, Dad,” he said. “Fax me a copy of the interrogatories when you get them.”

They talked for a few minutes more before hanging up.

“Knock. Knock.”

Maxwell glanced up from his notes. “Isabelle. Come in.” He remembered being introduced to her at the reception. He had to admit that Ray was right. She looked like she could be Jennifer Lopez’s twin.

She walked inside, carrying a medium-size plant. “I thought your office could use some brightening up.”

He smiled. “Thank you, Isabelle. That was very sweet of you.”

“It needs lots of light, so I’ll put it over here,” she was saying.

The scent of her perfume was distracting—mostly because it was the same scent that Kendra wore.

“How are you enjoying our city?” Isabelle asked.

“It’s nice,” he replied. “I’ve always liked Alexandria.”

Isabelle gave him a sexy grin. “Really?”

“It’s nice here and I love exploring the rich history, but I’m a New Yorker for life.” He noted a flash of disappointment in her eyes. Maxwell didn’t want to give her false hope.

“Ray mentioned that you were thinking about going into pediatrics,” Maxwell stated.

She nodded. “I love children.”

He leaned back in his chair. “Since you’re here, I’d like to talk to you about Terrence Matthews.”

“Okay,” she responded. “What do you want to know?”

“Did you ever notice anything that you considered odd behavior?” Maxwell asked.

“There were a couple of times that he didn’t seem quite himself, but I thought it was because he was tired. We work some pretty long hours from time to time. Oh yeah, he did miss a couple of staff meetings, but I’ve missed one before. Time can get away from you.”

Maxwell played with his pen. “So you never suspected that he was abusing drugs?”

“No, I didn’t. To be honest, I was shocked when I heard that he was stealing them from the hospital.”

Maxwell silently noted that almost everyone had the same sentiment. He’d read many of the witness statements over the weekend. Terrence Matthews was apparently a functioning drug user.

She ran her fingers through her hair. “Do you have any more questions for me?”

He went over his notes. “This is it for now.”

“Well, I’ve kept you from your work long enough,” Isabelle said with a short laugh. “I want you to know that we’re really glad you’re here. This hospital needs someone like you in our corner.”

Maxwell pushed away from his desk and stood up. He knew that Isabelle was vying for his attention, but he was not attracted to her, although he considered her extremely beautiful.

“Thank you for speaking with me, Isabelle. Everything we discussed will remain confidential.”

“I’m not worried,” she told him. “I like Dr. Matthews, but what he’s doing to this hospital is wrong.”

“Thank you for the plant as well.”

She glanced up at him, smiling. “It was my pleasure, Mr. Wade.”

“Call me Maxwell,” he told her.

“Sure thing.”

He laughed. “I’ll walk you out.”

Maxwell wasn’t sure what happened next, but the next thing he realized she was falling. Reacting quickly, he reached out to grab her.

Camille eyed the calendar and decided that since today was Maxwell Wade’s first official day at Hopewell General, she should do something nice for him. He had not only protected her from Dr. Dudley, but had gone out of his way to make sure that she was okay.

She left her office before she could change her mind about asking him to have lunch with her.

Camille’s pace halted at the presence of Isabelle Morales in Maxwell’s arms when she arrived at his office.

Camille was astounded. He had been in the hospital for less than a day and already had one of the interns in his arms.

She sent Isabelle a sharp look. Camille couldn’t believe that her coworker would behave so blatantly.

Without a word, she returned to her office in a huff.

The thought of Maxwell getting involved with Isabelle bothered Camille to the core, as much as she hated to admit it. She had to sheathe her inner feelings as a sense of inadequacy swept over her.

A few minutes later, Maxwell appeared in her doorway.

“You ran off before I could explain.”

“You don’t owe me any explanation,” Camille responded stiffly.

“What you saw back there …it’s not what it looked like.”

She met his gaze. “You really don’t have to explain anything to me. Who or what you do in this hospital is not my concern. However, you should at least close the door. Especially after the conversation we had this morning about sexual harassment. I can’t believe you would place yourself and Dr. Morales in a position to be gossiped about.”

“Isabelle …Dr. Morales was about to fall. There—”

Camille interrupted him by saying, “We need to block out some time to discuss the legal issues the hospital

is dealing with. If it’s okay with you, I’ll email you with a time to meet.”

“That’s fine,” Maxwell said. “Is that why you were coming to see me?”

“Yes,” she lied.

Camille picked up her phone, silently dismissing him. She was aware of Maxwell watching her, but pretended not to notice that his presence had overtaken her off ice.

He stood there for a moment in silence, then turned on his heel and left.

Camille waited until she was positive that Maxwell was gone before hanging up. She wasn’t really planning to make a call; she just wanted him to leave her office.

“Isabelle was right,” she whispered. “She said he wouldn’t be alone for long.”

She really liked Isabelle, but for some reason, Camille did not like the idea of her friend getting involved with Maxwell. After all, Maxwell seemed to enjoy his life as a bachelor. He was often linked with actresses or socialites when he and Kendra weren’t involved. Camille didn’t want to see Isabelle get her heart broken.

She didn’t want to consider that there could be another reason why she didn’t want to see Isabelle with Maxwell.

Case of Desire

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