Читать книгу Pregnancy of Revenge - Jacqueline Baird - Страница 2

“Are you pregnant, Charlotte?”


“Yes, I am,” she said bluntly. She was thrilled and excited at the prospect, but also frightened, and she wanted nothing more than for Jake to take her in his arms and tell her it would be all right. But by the look on his face she doubted he would.

Jake was madder than hell. It was so obvious she had put him squarely in the frame as the father…but was he? No woman had enraged and inflamed him as comprehensively as Charlotte. He had tried to put her out of his mind, but his body would not let him—a galling admission to make, but not one he intended to act on. He had no intention of being conned by a blue-eyed little gold digger—however desirable, he amended, his hard eyes sweeping back up to her lovely face.

Jake stiffened, and he was back to his cool, arrogant best, all trace of emotion gone, more like the Jake she knew so well. “There is nothing ideal about bringing up a child without a father. So we will get married as soon as it can be arranged.”

Pregnancy of Revenge

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