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Chapter 4

“Jordin, what are you doing here?” Ethan asked, surprised that she had come to the office to see him a second time.

She lifted her chin, ran her fingers through her hair as she walked toward him—she was electrifying. Her hair, her eyes, and the way her hips swayed invitingly when she walked, screamed sexy.

The soft tap of her heels against the marble floor sounded a steady rhythm, even over the noise of the employees scurrying around in the office. She did not stop until she was right in front of him. “I came to see you, silly.”

“Let’s talk in my office,” he said.

The two walked in silence down the hallway.

Inside his office, Jordin’s eyes traveled around the room. He had added more furnishings since the first time she visited. “Very nice...”

“It still needs a decorator’s touch.”

Her perfume reached for him, flavoring the air he breathed. Ethan looked down into her eyes, saw the sparkle and knew he was in deep trouble.

“Why don’t you give my mother a call?” Jordin suggested. “I’m sure she’d welcome the opportunity to enter a bid to land the contract.”

“She doesn’t have to bid—I’ll give her a call to see if she can schedule me in.”

“I’m sure you’ll be pleased with her work.”

“I don’t doubt that,” he responded.

“I hope I’m not keeping you from anything,” Jordin stated as she made herself comfortable in one of the visitor chairs.

“I always have time for my friends.” He had a mild, interested tone.

“Really?” she asked. “I figured you must have been really busy since I haven’t heard from you. We are still friends, right?”

“I deserve that.”

“Yes you certainly do,” Jordin responded. “I mean...not one phone call or text to just say a quick hello.”

“I accept full responsibility for my actions. I have been busy too.”

She sat with her arms folded across her chest.

“How can I make this up to you?”

“Why don’t you come by my house for dinner this evening? I actually learned how to cook, although it was only out of necessity.”

Ethan laughed. “Tell the truth...are the meals you prepare edible?”

“Yes, they are. I’m a really good cook. I learned from Aubrie.”

“How is she doing?” he asked. “Chandler was crazy about her, but she would never give him a second look, probably because he was Ryker’s friend.”

Jordin nodded in agreement. “She never wanted to be involved with any of her brother’s friends. Aubrie has her own restaurant now.”

“That’s great. I can’t believe there’s actually a DuGrandpre who did not go into law.”

Jordin chuckled. “Both my grandfather and uncle went into shock when she told them she wanted to be a chef.”

They were quiet for a few minutes.

“I really thought I would’ve heard from you,” she blurted. “Since I haven’t, I decided to come here so you can tell me why?”

“I know that I haven’t been a very good friend.”

“That’s not at all what I’m saying, Ethan.”

“It is what it is,” he responded. “I didn’t stay in contact with you as promised and now that I’m back...nothing has changed. I know this is what you’re thinking.”

“The thought crossed my mind once or twice.”

“Let me make it up to you, Jordin. I ordered lunch for the staff,” Ethan announced. “Do you have time to have to eat something? I want to continue our conversation about your so-called cooking skills. I have to confess that I’m not buying it. As I recall, you couldn’t even make a decent mud pie when we were younger.”

She laughed. “Yes, I can stay for lunch. As for the mud pie, I didn’t like getting my hands dirty. Really, I can cook.”

“I’ll be the judge of that tonight.”

Jordin broke into a huge grin. “So you’re accepting my invitation, then?”

Ethan nodded. “We have a lot to talk about and I’d rather not do it here at the office.”

“I understand,” she murmured.

Ethan leaned back in the black leather desk chair, watching her.

Jordin’s cell phone began to ring. She gave him an apologetic smile, and then said, “I need to take this call.”

“Do you need some privacy? You can use the office across the hall.”

“Thank you.” She rose to her feet fluidly and headed to the door, saying, “I’ll be right back.”

She returned ten minutes later. “Sorry about that. I’m afraid I’m going to have to take a rain check on lunch, but I look forward to seeing you tonight. I’ll text you my address.”

“I’ll make sure to bring my cast-iron stomach.”

Jordin broke into a grin. “You are going to regret those words, Ethan Holbrooke.”

He laughed as he escorted her out to the lobby area.

When he returned to his office, Ethan’s eyes landed on the clock. He found himself looking forward to the evening. Spending time with Jordin filled him with an unexpected excitement.

The thought occurred to him that he never once considered turning down her invitation. He no longer wanted to keep his distance, an invisible string pulling him toward her. He longed to be in Jordin’s presence, to hear her joyous laughter and her teasing.

* * *

“I’m cooking dinner for Ethan tonight,” Jordin announced as she strolled into her sister’s office later that afternoon.

Jadin’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Really? When did this happen?”

“A little more than an hour ago,” she responded. “I went over to his office and invited him.”

Her sister sighed in frustration. “Why are you doing this to yourself? You gave Ethan your number which he never bothered to use, Jordin. I find that very telling.”

“I didn’t call him either.”

“I know how badly you want to reconnect with him, but maybe you should sit back and wait for him to make a move.”

“Jadin, I’m not going to play games,” Jordin stated. “I care about Ethan and I miss our friendship—it’s not about who makes the first move. I still consider him my best friend and I intend to make sure he knows it.”

Her sister shrugged in nonchalance. “I don’t know why I bother trying to discuss this with you. It’s not like you ever listen to me.”

“Sis, I hear what you’re saying,” Jordin responded. “But it doesn’t change my feelings. I will always care for Ethan.” She sighed softly. “Why can’t you just be supportive?”

“Because it’s not like you really know this man. I would feel differently if you two had been in touch all of these years.”

“Jadin, the truth is that you never thought he was good enough for me—even when we were younger. I know that Dad felt the same way.” Shaking her head, Jordin uttered, “I don’t care what you all think where Ethan is concerned. I am not going to give up on him.”

* * *

Ethan steered his SUV out of the parking lot and onto the street, per the vocal instructions of his GPS. He was not familiar with the area where she lived. He was mildly surprised that she did not live in the same Sullivan’s Island neighborhood where her parents and Ryker lived.

He arrived at her condominium located in the Village at Wild Dunes almost thirty minutes later.

The Isle of Palms area drew thousands of tourists annually. Jordin loved the beach, so he was not surprised she would choose a waterfront residence.

Ethan parked his car, climbed out and walked up to the front door with a bouquet of yellow roses for Jordin.

When Ethan entered the residence, the delicious scent of freshly sautéed garlic and herbs assaulted him.

His eyes landed on Jordin, who was wearing a clingy black dress that landed right above her knees and a pair of sexy high-heeled sandals. “You look beautiful,” Ethan murmured.

“Thank you,” she responded with a smile. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I’m going to change really quickly into a pair of comfortable jeans and shoes. I hope you don’t mind.”

Ethan burst into laughter. “There’s the girl I remember.”

“I would keep this on, but my shoes are killing me.”

“You can just take your shoes off,” he suggested.

“Naaah... I wanted to impress you. Now I just want to be comfortable.”

“I was greatly impressed,” Ethan confirmed.

“Good. Now I can get comfortable.” She tossed him the TV remote. “Find something interesting to watch.”

Ethan’s gaze traveled his surroundings. The mustard-colored walls and deep-purple-colored drapes provided a richly colorful backdrop while soft music floated throughout the house. Jordin had wonderful views of palm trees, lush landscaping and the beach.

She chose contemporary furnishings to decorate the spacious floor plan. The dining area was large enough for a table of six and overflowed into the great room. He liked the purple-and-gold theme accented with sage-green accessories.

“Did your mother decorate this place?” Ethan asked her when she returned to the living room.

Jordin shook her head. “No, I insisted on doing it on my own. She did make some suggestions, however.”

“You have a nice home.”

“Thanks. Have you found someplace to live?”

He nodded. “Yes, I’ll be moving in a couple of weeks. Remember the house we used to dream of living in on Orange Street?”

She met his gaze. “No way... You bought it?”

He nodded. “I did.”

“I loved that house,” Jordin murmured. “I used to imagine us sitting out on the terrace drinking lemonade and talking about everything under the sun. I love the double piazzas.”

“You have to see the inside of the house,” Ethan said. “Multiple French doors, high ceilings and hardwood floors throughout.”

“How many bedrooms do you have?” she asked. “I’m sure it has to be four or five.”

“Actually, I have six bedrooms and five baths. There is also a two-story guest cottage in the back with two bedrooms.”

“I told you there was another place in the back, remember?”

Ethan smiled. “You were right.”

“I hope you’ll give me a tour of the house. I’ve wanted to see inside for so many years... I can’t believe you bought our place.” Jordin gave a short laugh. “I guess it’s just your place now.”

“When I found that it was for sale—I felt like it was a sign that I should buy it.”

“I’m so glad you did, Ethan.” Jordin said with a smile.

Their gazes met and held.

“Okay, so why don’t we address the elephant in the room?”

He chuckled. “Same Jordin. You won’t give up until you have all of the answers.”

“That’s because you’ve always done a pretty good job of keeping secrets. I just thought that we had gotten way beyond that.”

“I wasn’t trying to keep secrets from you, Jordin. I just didn’t want you knowing just how terrible things were for me at home.”

“Ethan, that’s what I don’t get,” she murmured. “Why not? We were best friends. I used to tell you everything.”

“You are a DuGrandpre. I didn’t think you could understand what I was dealing with.”

“My family isn’t perfect, Ethan.”

“They were as near perfect as I could imagine.” Ethan paused a few seconds before continuing. “I’m sure you heard rumors about my mother.”

Only For You

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