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Chapter 2


After their stay in Barcelona, the family was transported to the cruise ship. Cherise and Ivy were in the Sapphire Suite on deck nine, which featured two bedrooms, a living area with sofa, dining room and entertainment center, and two bathrooms.

“That suite that Laine and Ray are sharing is nice,” Cherise said.

“Carrie told me that they had to have at least eight staying in there to book the suite. It can hold fourteen people. She and Ray have the three kids, and then Laine and Regis have their two, so that’s nine. Garrette’s kids are staying in there, too, so they almost have fourteen.”

Elle and her family were in the owner’s suite, while Jillian and Kaitlin and their families shared the Ruby family suite, which featured a loft. The other family members were in staterooms along the ninth and tenth floors.

“I don’t know why I agreed to come on this cruise this year,” Ivy complained as they waited for the elevator. “You should have talked me out of it. The last thing I want is to be around a bunch of lovers.”

“This is what you need, what we both need,” Cherise assured Ivy. The doors to the elevator opened and she was struck speechless by the sight of the handsome, dark-skinned brother inside. He smiled, then stepped out of the way to let them enter.

They took the elevator to deck nine.

Cherise noted that he got off on the same floor, following behind them.

When they arrived at the suite, Cherise waited until they were inside before asking, “Did you happen to get a good look at that fine hunk on the elevator with us? He got off on this floor.”

Ivy shrugged nonchalantly. “He looked like any other man.”

Cherise’s eyes opened wide in response to her cousin’s comment. “Ivy, have you gone blind? That man was gorgeous.”

“Well, he just didn’t look that hot to me, that’s all.”

“If you say so…” Cherise muttered, almost to herself.

Inside their suite, Ivy turned to Cherise and said, “It’s not that I hate men or anything like that. I’m just not in the mood for games or trying to figure out if I’m being played. I have two small daughters to worry about, and I have to protect them. They are my first priority.”

Cherise nodded in understanding. “I know Charles didn’t do right by you, but just don’t forget that there are still some nice men out there, Ivy.”

Ivy pulled a stack of clothes from the suitcase and placed them in a drawer. “I actually had a nice guy a long time ago, but I was foolish. I dumped him to be with Charles. I’ve learned that everything that glitters ain’t gold. That’s for sure.”

“You’re talking about Michael Stanley?” Cherise asked from the doorway. “Coco’s brother? I remember when you two were dating.”

Ivy nodded. “He’s a sweetheart. Back then, nice guys seemed so boring.”

Cherise went to her room and put away her clothing. When she finished, she walked into Ivy’s room, asking, “Have you looked at our itinerary yet?”

“We’re at sea all day tomorrow, and on Friday we’ll be in Malta,” Ivy responded. “On Saturday we go to Tunisia, and then on to Naples. I really want to see the ruins of Pompeii.”

“I promised Jazz I’d get lots of pictures for her,” Cherise said as she helped Ivy put away the children’s clothing. “I wish that she could’ve come with us.”

Ivy wanted to lie down with her daughters, so Cherise decided to check on her brother. She walked out of her suite and bumped into something muscular and solid.

“I’m so sorry,” she murmured, looking up. Cherise straightened and tried to act normal when she recognized that the fine piece of chocolate standing outside her suite was the man from the elevator.

“No problem.” He flashed a big smile that warmed her all over.

Their eyes met and held.

He’s fine…ooh this man is so fine…those big strong arms and his lips…

Cherise pushed away her lustful thoughts lest she actually verbalize what she was thinking. She cleared her throat awkwardly.

“My name is Steven Chambers,” he told her, holding out his hand. “It looks like we’re going to be neighbors for the next ten days.”

Grinning, she shook his hand. “I’m Cherise Ransom. It’s really nice to meet you, Steven.”

“I’m in the room right there,” he said, pointing.

God was really testing her by putting this man right across from her room. If Ivy and the children weren’t in the suite with her…

Cherise burst into a short laugh, then said, “I’m sorry. I think I’m a little giddy from jet lag.” She wasn’t about to tell him what she’d really been thinking about.

“It’s fine. I love to laugh myself.”

“Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you around,” Cherise said, then groaned inwardly. She hoped she didn’t sound like she was coming on to him.

“I hope so,” Steven responded. He gave her one last look of admiration before walking away.

This cruise was off to a great start, she decided with a grin.

He loved the sound of her laughter.

So far, so good, Steven thought to himself as he watched Cherise walk down the hallway away from the suites. He’d noticed her earlier on the elevator with another woman, and wondered if she was sailing with a friend or relative.

He had noticed that she wore no wedding ring on her left hand, but after what happened before, he wasn’t just going to assume she was single. However, Steven intended to find out the next chance he got. One thing for certain, he would be sure to run into Cherise on several occasions over the next ten days.

He had debated whether or not to take a cruise this year and was glad that he’d decided to do it. He had enjoyed his time in Barcelona, taking in the rich tapestry of the city where the past blended with the future. He found La Sagrada Família, the most ambitious work of Barcelona’s Antoni Gaudí, truly awe-inspiring. Steven had also visited Jean Nouvel’s luminous Torre Agbar, which was considered the most daring addition to Barcelona’s skyline since the first towers of La Sagrada Família went up.

Steven returned to his suite after a short stroll to locate the basketball court and the gym. He stifled a yawn and considered lying down for an hour before going down to the pool for a swim, but then remembered the emergency drill they were required to attend.

Steven picked up the novel he’d brought along with him and settled down on the sofa to read until it was time for the drill.

His mind drifted back to Cherise. He really wanted to have another conversation with her. Steven couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something special about her.

“You look great, Cherise, so stop worrying,” Elle said, leaning against the rail. “C’mon, everyone is waiting for us at the pool.”

“Where is the baby?”

“With Daisi,” Elle responded, referring to her sister-in-law. “She can’t swim, so she said she’d watch Briana. Kaitlin’s going to take Chandler to her as well.”

As they stepped outside, Cherise beheld her surroundings. It was so amazing the way the sun seemed to wash the ocean in brilliant waves of color.

“Cherise, we haven’t been out here more than five minutes and you’re already getting stares from all of the men out here.”

Laughing, she shook her head. “You’re crazy, Elle. You know you’re the one they’re looking at.”

“I think it’s you.” She stopped walking. “Oh my goodness, I don’t believe it.”

Shading her eyes, Cherise followed Elle’s gaze. Standing nearby was a tall, slender man with a clean-shaven head and dark skin that seemed to glisten in the July sun. Even on his slim frame, muscles bulged everywhere. His swim trunks hung low on his hips. The effect was so devastating—so sexual. It didn’t seem fair. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Steven’s body, and muscles rippled in all the right places. Her skin began to tingle.

“You know him?”

“Yeah. He did some architecture work for Brennen,” Elle responded. “I’ve only been around Steven a couple of times, but he seems really nice.”

“Elle, he’s the guy I was just telling you about,” Cherise told her. “The one I met in the hallway. His suite is across from mine.”

“He’s the sexy guy you were talking about? It’s a small world.” Grinning from ear to ear, Elle waved. “I guess he is nice-looking. I never really noticed before.”

Steven waved back.

Cherise ran her fingers through her hair. The thought of seeing Steven again made her nervous. “Well, you’re married to Brennen Cunningham—it’s probably hard to see beyond that man. He’s not exactly hard on the eyes.”

Elle cut her eyes at Cherise. “Have you been eyeing my man?”

“Only when you weren’t looking,” Cherise responded with a chuckle.

“Hello, ladies.” Steven’s deep, sexy voice greeted them as they walked up to him.

Elle reached up and hugged him. “I can’t believe you’re here. Talk about a small world. I was just telling my cousin that you and Brennen have worked together in the past.”

Never taking his eyes off of Cherise, he murmured, “It is a small world. Is Brennen here with you?”

“He should be down here shortly,” Elle responded. “Steven, would you like to join us? We’re going to spend some time around the pool. Oh, I’m sorry. You might be with someone.”

Cherise held her breath awaiting his response. She hadn’t seen him with anyone, but that didn’t mean he was vacationing alone.

Steven dropped down to sit beside Elle. “I’m here by my lonesome, I’m afraid.”

Elle nodded. “Well, how have you been?”

“Busy working.” He turned to face Cherise. “What about you, Cherise? Are you traveling with someone?”

Cherise shook her head. “Nope. Outside of my family here on the ship, I’m solo.”

He had the prettiest brown eyes she’d ever seen. They were a mixture of various shades of earth-born colors that had been warmed by the sun. Those gorgeous eyes were now gazing at her left hand.

“You’re not married, then?”

Cherise smiled. “No, I don’t have a husband.” She hoped he couldn’t hear the regret in her voice.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Raising an eyebrow, Cherise asked, “Really?”

Elle removed her sarong. “Well, on that note, I think I’ll go for a swim. You two just stay here and chat.” She winked at Cherise. “Have fun.”

Wearing a swimsuit that featured bold lime-green flowers against a black background, Elle sashayed to the water’s edge.

“I’m afraid my cousin’s not very subtle,” Cherise said.

“Neither am I.” Steven’s dark brown eyes met hers. “The truth is that I was hoping to run into you again.”

“Really? Why is that?”

Steven inclined his head. “Cherise, I find you very beautiful and I’m intrigued. I want to know more about you.”

Cherise scanned his face to discern if he was running game, but he seemed sincere. She relaxed a bit.

Steven found a couple of empty lounge chairs for them to sit down and continue their conversation.

Members of Cherise’s family began drifting down to the pool area.

Brennen came and sat down beside Steven. While the two men talked, Cherise was joined by Ivy, who sat down on her other side. “You work fast,” Ivy whispered.

“Who’s the hunk?” Jillian asked, dropping down beside Ivy. They all spoke in hushed tones.

Ivy glanced at her sister. “Are you serious? He ain’t all that.”

“I guess you need glasses then,” Jillian retorted. “That man over there is fine.”

Laughing, Cherise agreed.

Jillian’s husband walked up and grabbed her by the hand. “Let’s test out the water.”

They left.

“You have a huge family,” Steven said, when Ivy disappeared with her daughters in tow.

“You have no idea. The others haven’t come down yet,” Cherise responded with a chuckle. “It’s a bunch of us.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “It’s a family reunion?”

She nodded. “In a way. It’s just mostly the siblings and cousins that go on the cruise. We leave the elders at home, but then they go on their own cruise as well. This year, they are sailing to Mexico in October.”

“That’s pretty cool,” he said.

“Elle has five—no—six brothers and four sisters. I have three brothers and one sister. She and Julian, my brother that’s here on the ship, are twins. He’s the only one who came this time.”

“Wow,” Steven murmured. “I always wanted siblings. I’m an only child.”

Cherise smiled. “There were times when I wanted to be the only child in the family.”

He laughed. “Well, it looks like you all are pretty close.”

“We are,” Cherise confirmed.

“Steven, why don’t you join us?” Brennen asked, when he climbed out of the pool. “We have dinner reservations at Torino’s.”

“I’d love to,” he answered.

Cherise rose to her feet. “I think I’m going to check out this pool. How about you?”

Steven shaded his eyes with his hand. “Is that an invitation?”

“Sure,” she responded.

Elle and Jillian watched in amusement as Cherise strolled toward them with Steven. They paused at the pool and Cherise stepped in, wading toward the middle.

He did a surface dive and sank into the water near her.

Cherise felt the water shift as he dove in. She pushed wet hair out of her eyes and moved away as he playfully splashed water in her direction.

“Two can play at this game, mister.” She burst into laughter.

After frolicking in the water with Cherise as if they were children, Steven climbed out to get something for them to drink.

“Looks like the two of you are getting along well,” Elle whispered in Cherise’s ear.

“We are,” she whispered back.

Elle pulled herself out of the water. “I’m going up to check on Briana and take a nap. I’ll see you all at dinner.”

“Your cousin’s leaving?” Steven asked.

She nodded. “She wants to go check on her baby.”

Cherise splashed water on Steven and swam away.

“Oh, you want to play games, huh?” Steven raced behind her. “Wait until I catch up with you…”

He left the threat floating on the wind.

Steven smiled to himself as he watched Cherise frolicking in the pool with her cousins. He still couldn’t get over how many Ransoms were on the ship. He liked that they were all so close.

As mesmerizing as the ocean surrounding them was, Steven couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He thought of her smooth, deep mahogany complexion, big brown eyes and the way her long hair waved up when wet. She was an extremely beautiful woman. Not thin but not too heavy either, curvy and thick. Just the right size.

Tapping him on the shoulder, Cherise asked, “What are you thinking about so hard?”

Steven snapped out of his reverie. Standing waist deep in the water, he confessed, “I was thinking about you, actually.”

“You just don’t quit, do you?” Laughing, she playfully splashed water at him.

“I’m serious.”

Cherise shook her head. “Let’s not get serious about anything. We’re on vacation—let’s enjoy this time together. We should be having fun.”

Steven thought Cherise looked almost sad when she’d said that, but the expression quickly dissipated. He told himself that it was only his imagination.

You and I

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