Читать книгу Elijah - Jacquelyn Frank - Страница 2



She was first flushed, and then chilled. She was terrified, but craving. She was seeping liquid heat, and locking up in solid awareness. The contradictions battered her from the inside out and she felt wildly, deliciously out of control of it all.

The warrior felt the female’s heart pounding madly beneath him. She was aroused. He felt a tremor shimmer through her and he was pressed with the urge to rub himself up against her supple body. It made no impression on him that he was still weak and wounded. He was blind to everything but the sensations and the desires of his instinctive thoughts.

Elijah was no stranger to women—he enjoyed them immensely, in fact—but this was something quite remarkable. Never had he reacted so strongly, so quickly, to a female before. Except, perhaps, one other time. But he had refused to acknowledge it then for what it was, excusing it as part of the heat of battle. The very idea of it had been utterly appalling because the woman in question had been—

That was when recognition finally set in.

Elijah’s eyes went pale, just as the rest of him did, as he finally realized exactly who it was he held pinned beneath this body. Who it was he was feeling this outrageous craving for. And who it was that was responding with an inconceivable reciprocation of heat and interest.

“Siena,” he hissed, his hand finally leaving her throat to reveal the gold and moonstone collar she wore.


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