Читать книгу Jade Goody - Catch A Falling Star - Jade Goody - Страница 14
ОглавлениеNot long into our relationship, one of the tabloids got hold of a picture of Jack with his arm round another girl. So the speculation began. And Jack got his first taste of fame. What the reporters didn’t find out of course was that it was his cousin Jess. Then he got a call from a magazine asking him how he felt about me and what was going on in our relationship, and he replied, ‘It’s nothing serious.’ Which of course I loved and had an argument with him about. He protested, ‘You always told me to downplay it if anyone asks!’ And I had, but that didn’t mean I liked it when I saw it in print.
That was the first story about Jack and another girl. But it certainly wasn’t the last. After that there were so bloody many I lost count. The girls even started to merge into each other. So much so that I didn’t know what to believe any more.
The first real kiss-and-tell (although Jack still denies every single one to this day) was a girl called Anna who claimed he’d snogged her down an alley near Faces and had been begging her for sex. I didn’t know what to think. But I made him pay for it. When the story came out I flipped and kicked him out of the house. He was adamant nothing had gone on between them and begged me to believe him. But I was fuming. How could he? And how could he be so fucking stupid to think no one would find out? I was so confused and upset. My kids had grown to love and adore Jack – he’d become a big part of their life by now – but now that he’d done something like this I was starting to question what that all meant and how long he was going to be around if he couldn’t be trusted.
I wanted to believe him. I wanted to think he wouldn’t do that to me. And I wanted to be with him. So, eventually, I forgave him.
But these things never completely go away, do they? A few weeks later we were on a night out in London at my favourite club, Embassy, and Jack disappeared off to the loo. After about half an hour I went to look for him because he hadn’t come back – and I saw him standing by the wall talking to the same bloody Anna bird who’d sold her story. What’s more, he had his hand on her arse! I marched over and pushed him as hard as I could.
‘What the fuck do you think you’re doing?’
‘We were just having a chat, that’s all.’
‘Are you having a laugh?’
I was fuming. I stormed out to the car park and he followed.
‘How dare you mug me off like that, Jack!’
‘I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I promise.’ He was slurring his words, he was so pissed.
‘I saw it with my own eyes, Jack!’ And with that I punched him in the face. He then pushed me away and I fell to the floor. So I got up and I kicked him as hard as I could. I didn’t know at the time but my stiletto went right into his side and punctured the skin. We only realised the next day when he woke up in agony. I can’t remember what else happened that night – it all became such a blur. All I know is that Jack insisted on coming home with me, then we passed out and woke with raging headaches (plus, for him, the bonus of a hole in his side).
I’ve come to realise that Jack’s a completely different person when he’s had a drink. It’s like he is that Jekyll and Clyde character (someone told me the other day it’s actually ‘Hyde’ but I think ‘Clyde’ sounds more like a name myself). He turns mad and seems to do everything he can to provoke a reaction from me.
Another prime example was the photo of him and a topless girl in his bed on holiday not long after – dutifully printed for all to see in the People newspaper. And although there was pretty damning evidence against Jack, what readers didn’t know at the time was that I was there on that very same trip. We’d gone to Marbella with separate groups of friends. I was on a hen do and he’d booked a lads’ holiday not long after. Even though we were dating, we still didn’t want to spend the whole time together because it wasn’t fair on our mates. So we stayed in separate hotels, did our own thing and arranged to meet up only occasionally.
It all seemed to be working, well until one night I felt tipsy and wanted to go and surprise him in his room. I went to reception and asked for his room key, which they gave to me, and I opened the door. Admittedly, there was a tiny part of me that thought, Oh my God, what am I going to find in here? But I carried on anyway. He was sharing the room with one of his mates, so I could instantly see there were two single beds. But when I looked in the room I saw Jack lying in one bed, naked with a sheet draped over him, and beside him was a girl with blonde hair, sprawled out on the other bed fast asleep. One of his mates was asleep on the floor by the window.
I immediately saw red, pulled the sheet off Jack and slapped him round the head.
‘What the fuck? What are you doing in the room naked with a naked girl next to you?’
He was half-asleep and drowsy. ‘Jade? What are you talking about?’
‘That’s it. I’ve had enough of you Jack! I never want to talk to you again,’ I said before marching out of his room and slamming the door.
And I didn’t. Well, not for the rest of the holiday anyway. And boy, did it do his head in. Each day after that he would see me on the beach with my mates and come over trying to explain his way out of the bedroom-and-girl situation, and I would turn my head and ignore him. Each night he’d see me in a club talking to a group of boys and come over all jealous, shouting, ‘You make me sick!’
I just blanked him and walked off.
Then one evening he got into such a frustrated rage that he kicked my door down. It was about 2am and I was sitting in my hotel room on my own after coming back from one of the clubs. How the hell Jack managed to batter the whole door down I’ll never know – he’s not exactly a big bloke. But he did it, then started ranting his head off at me, accusing me of being with another bloke.Er, excuse me! Was he deluded? I wasn’t the one naked in a room with another person! He was knocking things all over the place – I just remember all my Gina shoes flying about everywhere – and he kept pushing me against the wall. Then my mate Gemma came out of the lift with a guy she’d pulled (hoping to have some time alone together) and saw us through the kicked-in door.
‘Jade! What’s going on?’
Gemma and the guy ended up pushing Jack out of the hotel and forcing him to pay for the door in the process. I was so bloody embarrassed.
Afterwards my mates were livid. ‘Why are you still with him, Jade? You can do so much better than that.’
‘But he’s good with my kids …’
‘If that’s the only reason, you’re really fooling yourself.’
So I decided I had no choice but to dump him.
And I did – until we got back to England and he begged and begged for my forgiveness. I know, I was weak, but I couldn’t resist him at the time.
A few days later a reporter knocked on my door brandishing a picture of Jack and the blonde girl in the same bed together! I didn’t say anything in front of the journalist – I just shrugged and said, ‘It’s Jack’s business, not mine.’ But as soon as I’d closed the door I turned round to see Jack’s sheepish face staring back at me. And I slapped it. Hard.
What woman wouldn’t?
He started protesting that he’d been set up. It turned out his mate who was in the room with them has a friend at the People and had sold the story. I felt a right mug.
Someone was watching my back, though. Jack got death threats from a guy in prison. It was addressed to ‘Jade Goody, Big Brother, Essex’ and it got to my house! There were a few letters saying similar things. ‘I’m sick and tired of that fella cheating on you, Jade, if he ever cheats again don’t worry cos I’m in here for murder and I’ll have him up the arse.’ Jack was petrified. But I told him it was his own fault for reading my post in the first place.
After my 25th birthday party – which had a Tarts and Vicars theme (I thought I looked great, Jack thought I looked like a slut) – the press started speculating even more that things were going wrong between us because they said it looked like he’d been sulking all night. But the fact was, Jack just liked to sit back and leave me to it. He wasn’t one to be prancing around in front of the cameras, whereas I was. I do think Jack found me a bit annoying that night because I was so hammered and loud, but I know there’s a part that also thought it was amusing. And anyway, it was just me, so he had to deal with it.
Danielle Lloyd was at that birthday party. It was strange because it was before Celebrity Big Brother so I didn’t know who she was at that stage. I just remember this pretty girl coming over to me while I was throwing myself around the dance floor like a pissed idiot. She’d turned up with her mum and they were both dressed as tarts. She said to me, ‘Oh, Jade, I’d love to be walking out of a club to all those photographers like you,’ and I just smiled.
The kiss-and-tells with Jack just kept on coming. And I was getting sick to the stomach having to defend him. Heat and other magazines were running big articles with titles like ‘Five Reasons Why Jade Should Dump Jack’ and when I read them I had to agree – there was so much evidence against him. What the heck was I doing?
Once I even ended up having to defend him to Jonathan Ross. I was a guest on Jonathan’s show and was sitting in the make-up room when he came over to me and told me I could do so much better than Jack. And for someone of his status to actually care enough that he had to speak to me about it was really saying something. Why would a grown man, who’s really successful, be that bothered unless he could see something I couldn’t? I felt quite pathetic, but still, for some reason, I stuck up for him.
When it came to it, I was too pathetic to leave Jack. At that point anyway.
Actually, if you believe what the papers were saying, I was more in love with Kate Moss than I ever was with any boyfriend. I first met her on a flight to LA (we were both in first class and she kept turning round and chatting to me – which nearly made me choke on my champagne) and since then I’ve seen her at a few events and each time we’ve said hi. But rumours about our ‘friendship’ really surfaced after the O2 Wireless festival in the summer of 2005. She was there with her mates (remember those pictures of her in the shorts and red ankle boots?) and I was with mine. After one of the bands had finished she came over and said, ‘I love your programme, Jade.’ (I was on Living TV at the time, I’d just filmed Jade’s Salon and there was a new one called Just Jade in which I was trying to find the right scent to launch my own perfume.) ‘I watch it all the time,’ she continued. ‘It’s hilarious!’ Then she started quoting back to me things I’d said! By the time she walked off I had my mouth open in awe.
I know people say Kate has done bad things in her private life but I still look up to her. I think she’s amazing. I even had arguments with Jack about her because he said he thought she was a bad role model. I still love her. At the end of that festival she asked me back to her house, saying she was having a party. It was mad. She was pleading, ‘Please come!’ But I didn’t. I told her I was with too many other people and it wouldn’t be fair. If I’m honest, though, the real reason was because I would’ve felt so out of my depth. I would’ve been with all these famous people and I wouldn’t have had a clue what to say to them. And then if they had started taking you-know-what I would’ve felt uncomfortable – it’s just not my scene. I know what Kate Moss has done and I’ve read the stories about it in the papers. But I’ve never seen her do it myself and I admire her. I think I was worried that whatever I saw might change my opinion about her.
Nevertheless, the fact that she invited me to her house? Wow!
That same day I had people like Natalie Imbruglia and Bob Geldof coming over to me, also saying they watched my show. It was madness. And amazing. Jack just kept looking at me and telling me how proud he felt. He said that whenever things like that happened or when he saw me on TV he got goose pimples – because he felt so full of pride that I was his girlfriend.