Читать книгу Photorefractive Materials for Dynamic Optical Recording - Jaime Frejlich - Страница 10



This book is the result of direct and indirect cooperation of colleagues from Brazil and all over the world who have contributed with their experience, work and advice, as well as graduate students working on their theses under my direction, or just spending some time at my laboratory at the State University of Campinas, Campinas‐SP, Brazil.

My warm acknowledgments to all of them:

Araújo, William R. Arizmendi, Luis
Barbosa, Marcelo C. Bassewitz, J.P.
Bian, Shaopin Buse, Karsten
Carrascosa, Mercedes Capovilla, Danilo
Carvalho, Jesiel F. Cescato, Lucila H.
Freschi, Agnaldo A. Garcia, Paulo Magno
Hernandes, Antonio C. Inocente Junior, Nilson R.
Kamenov, V.P. Kamshilin, Alexei A.
Kip, Detlef Klein, Marvin
Krätzig, Eckhard Kulikov, V.V.
Kumamoto, R. Launay, Jean Claude
Longeaud, Christophe Lorduy G., Hector
Montegegro, Renata Mosquera, Luis
Oliveira, Ivan de Odoulov, S.G.
Prokofiev, Victor V. Rasnik, Ivan
Ringhofer, Klaus H. Rupp, Romano A.
Salazar, A. Santos, Paulo Acioly Marques dos
Santos, Pedro Valentim dos Santos, Tatiane Oliveira dos
Schamonina, Ekaterina Shcherbin, K.V
Shumelyuk, A. Stepanov S.I.
Sugg, Bertrand Sturman, B.I.
Telles, A.C. Troncoso, L.S.
Photorefractive Materials for Dynamic Optical Recording

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