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I’ve been asked the same question several times: What is the book that has had the most impact in your life? And the answer is always the same: The Human Phenomenon by Teilhard de Chardin. I remember clearly that inner tumble when reading that book amid the whirlwind of my 18 years. All my friends deemed it a dense book, but it made my soul lighter, it gave me wings to leap into the void without fearing the fall. Although in that moment I was sailing to the depth of Catholicism, I had given up the episcopal seminary when my promising career as a priest was just starting, despite my studies on Theology at the Bellarmino center and the recent Vatican II which promised change and inclusion; my fascination for the French Jesuit book had nothing to do with that. I was astonished by his effort to unify science and religion, issue that for those times was almost heretical and awakened something in me that flourished 50 years later, the compulsive need to integrate and find a theory of Everything that could answer the greatest questions of science, philosophy and theology. It was not until 2014 that the integration occurred. The idea of the Omega Point and the Noosphere had been preying on my subconscious mind but I had forgotten, and it’s not a coincidence, the idea of the Christosphere as a point of confluence with Consciousness, it simply did not dwell in me and what is more, I thought that the lucidity of Chardin had lost its shine when forcing his theory by trying to make it culminate in his religious beliefs. This makes sense for a Jesuit who was trying to overcome the exile that the Vatican had infringed on him for opposing the dogma.

I must admit my fascination with processes comes from my background as architect, which makes me understand life as a permanent flow, a construction, evolving towards an unknown destiny. Undoubtedly, in this range, Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory seemed just right, though it always appeared to me loaded with the materialistic excess that prevailed at the moment of its publication. Years later, I found myself closer to Wallace, the almost unknown author of the Evolutionary Theory that had dared to defy the scientific world, incorporating the spiritual variable. Wallace may have laid the foundation for Teilhard de Chardin.

Before the consolidation of my theory MNM, my mind worked unintentionally searching for the origin of things, of phenomena, the causes, the social and political processes as if it was there where I could find the answers that were constantly stabbing me. From that obsession emerged the discovery concerning the origin of personality later displayed on the ECO Model as a process that could be applied to mitigate human suffering opposing, dissenting with all due respect, Buddha's explanation about attachment. Going against the tide, as I had with Catholicism, led me to postulate that the Causa Finalis of suffering is Fear, idea that was later portrayed in the book The Fear Disease (Amazon, 2021).

In my eagerness to integrate, I went along Ken Wilber's quadrants, travelled around the Spiral Dynamics Integral and avoided falling into the web of New Age. Transpersonal psychology emerged as an integration of spirituality into the world of psyche, and I found myself facing a topic I had been dodging for decades, as a consequence of the rebuff which I had developed from watching the Vatican and most religions in general. Only Buddhism, as a practice that is not referred to a divinity, seemed honest and devoid of manipulation and control through fear, sin or submission to a supposed divine scheme. It was inevitable and I had to face the topic of Creation, not from that biblical myth but through science, without involving dogmas.

Oddly enough, the approach of the scientists Varela and Maturana, who had been in my memory bank as a great discovery in the field of biology, suddenly gained substance when I related that to Teilhard de Chardin's approach. Varela and Maturana had discovered something that nowadays seems obvious: They discovered that all organisms tend to self-reproduce and maintain and take care of that process. At the same time, and from another dimension of thought, Teilhard de Chardin had already told us in The Human Phenomenon that all living organisms tend to become complex enough to acquire a certain level of consciousness of themselves. Eureka, in both cases we were speaking about Evolution, and therefore involving a guideline pointing to the future. Processes, evolution, which were perfectly proved by science. The theory of Autopoiesis by Varela-Maturana although genius, was restricted to the biological sphere. However, Teilhard's approach, which already integrates biology and psychology, speaks about Consciousness, and designs a Total Consciousness concerning Christ's figure, the Omega Point, the end of evolution. Undoubtedly, proposing Christ as the Omega Point, Teilhard de Chardin tries to integrate Theology as well. At these stages of lucubration, to follow the scientific trail, I tried to leave out of the analysis the belief in a Christ, understanding that Consciousness is not only a spiritual topic but also a scientific one, as proven by neuroscience.

Recapitulating: organisms self-reproduce (autopoiesis): they grow complex until reaching consciousness, but we were missing the last question: what's the purpose of this all?

This book is about that Evolutionary Purpose and, therefore the of the fate of our species and may help us to reformat our conception of what it is to be a Human Being. In this book, you'll find the integration of the proposals by the Varela-Maturana, Teilhard de Chardin along with mine (The MNM Purpose, Amazon, 2014), in the timeline, the evolution. I called them the Three Laws of Life that, obviously, imply an intentionality or, in other words, a Creator.

Thanks to that book, The Human Phenomenon, which in my 18s fueled my curiosity and prevented me from the fears that haunt those who delegate thinking to specialists.

I hope this book reads as more than an intellectual disquisition, with the capacity to become a book appliable to everyday life, working as a GPS, where we are standing and where evolution is heading, and inside it, what is our role. Certainly, there will be a wide majority of humans that will not be interested in these ideas, they will deem them distant, disconnected from the eventualities of the moment. Regarding the process the human species is living today, a hinge moment, I wrote the essay “The Tale We Tell Ourselves”, a collective story connected to culture and politics. Meanwhile, let us concentrate on the three laws of life.

With the integration of these 3 Laws of Life (Autopoiesis, Complexity-Consciousness and the MNM Theory) we can understand Evolution and therefore its Purpose, answering the questions that several human disciplines (Science, Theology, Philosophy) pose separately, which furthermore seem to hit rock bottom if not answered from a Theory of Everything that integrates them: scientists should be able to accept that a Dimension of Unicity exists where there is no matter to analyse nor physical or chemical law to discover. They should be able to accept the existence of a dialogue between both dimensions which scientifically exist, and that in it is the answer to the evolution of the matter, but also to the evolution of consciousness, walking together towards the integration of Dimensions. In the same way a theologian should accept that God is a Dimension, the one of Unicity, of Everything, that has decided to venture into Duality Dimension through the creation of organic matter that flows and evolves with these 3 Laws of Life; and that the philosopher would see the purpose of existence at the core of this process of evolution and consciousness. I believe the moment to integrate them has come.

The Three Laws of Life

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