Читать книгу Ash and Embers - James A. Zoller - Страница 12

Wyoming, 1952


When I was a small child

when seat belts were a luxury, unsought,

my older brothers took the window seats

while I hung forward into the grownup space

my feet on the hump down the center of the floor.

This is how I learned what I needed

about survival, about us, about the natural order,

Father behind the wheel, Mother reading maps,

comfortable talk passing like fence posts

ordinary as sage brush.

Just a still point in the rushing panorama.

For all I knew I could be anything I might imagine

aiming along the hood’s raised spine

down the straight black highway

that opened into the future a mile a minute

reaching all the way to a horizon

always just a few more giant strides ahead.

Ash and Embers

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