Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 72

Axiom: Symbols/words are never based in the living truth of what that word implies nor are we aware of what it does in the way of biological harm.


There is tremendous amount of backed-up energy as the pretense of doing is placed on top of the Genesis triangulated real. Genesis says, “Listen to me, I am the God-given voice of your soul, that guides both your body and your mind safely and serenely through the pretend world of the debasing agreement jungle.

Genesis is your dimensional intuitive guide who will not step down for second rate symbols imposter. I will not take seriously those you concoct and agree are real because they say so. You are not some lame brain donkey playing mind tag with the carrots of pretend symbols you call words. “Don’t put these word carrots on a pole and dangle them in front of me.” That is the Genesis in you speaking.

No more mind games with this binary disheveled drivel. The emotional field contains the splitting off of the eye/ear integrations of the sense system which represents a full sense logical comparison of the created-pretend symbols real and the real itself before names and tags were applied. You were real once, you still are, just buried beneath layers of pretense. The Genesis Voice holds no single value to any one word.

For way too long has man filled his head with the pretend, makeshift and slick stealth of symbols. Therein lies entire worlds of self-abandonment, desperation, and the futility of unending war. Because humanity is fast asleep in a prosaic symbols dream he allows such a monstrosity upon this earth. It is long over-due, with deadly importance, that humanity must wake up within a perspectives vested Genesis human healthfulness.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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