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“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” — Carl Jung

I am forever grateful to my parents, Vito and Barbara Di Giulio, both brilliant educators who inspired curiosity and learning, while always encouraging me to follow my path.

Special thanks to my big sister, Genevieve, who has always provided endless support and love from day one of Chinese medicine school to this publication. She’s the only one who let me needle her quite early on and is always willing to take my herbal formulas, as long as I don’t tell her what’s in them.

There are numerous teachers who have inspired my deep commitment and passion for Chinese medicine, but very special thanks to the following.

Amy Lee: Your generosity and sharing of information has no limits and I simply would not be where I am today without your guidance and mentorship, particularly in the field of integrative cancer care. Thank you for inspiring my curiosity about Chinese medicine oncology, enduring my endless questions over the years and always providing an answer.

Dennis von Elgg: Thank you for inspiring in me a true passion for Chinese herbal medicine. Your enthusiasm and brilliant teaching has guided me over the years, instilling a deep commitment to Chinese medicine that traverses beyond clinical frameworks.

Isaac Cohen: It is with heartfelt appreciation I thank you for your invaluable contributions to the field of Chinese medicine and integrative oncology. It has inspired so much of my research and clinical work. Thank you for being my doctoral advisor so many years ago and planting the seed that this book could become a reality.

Emily Hooker: From the first day of Chinese medicine school, through the thousands of hours of studying, exams and learning how to use a goniometer, your support has always been unwavering as a colleague and friend.

Dr. Di Giulio

I would not have been able to write, teach or provide treatment without the teaching or influence of so many. A few key people I would like to thank who influenced this book are:

My father, Tom Munson, my mother, Mary Ann Munson, my sisters, Cate and Mary, and brothers-in-law, Jeff Gutowski and Chris Ott for your continued love and support.

Ken Rose: Thank you for instilling the importance of approaching traditional Chinese medicine as a scholar-physician.

Robert Johns: Thank you for your steely commitment to the classics and instilling the importance of needling technique in me.

Pam Olson: Thank you for exemplifying the heart of a physician and your willingness to teach others.

Mark Frost: Thank you for your decades of commitment in teaching, providing treatment, and helping to rediscover the eight extraordinary meridians.

Yumiko Bamba: Thank you for elucidating the merit, importance and broad application of palpation and direct moxibustion.

Daniel Jiao: Thank you for providing me with an excellent foundation in traditional Chinese medicine herbalism.

Dr. James Munson

Bridging the Gap

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