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Gazing on rapids mighty sea,

Struggling fiercely to be free,

But drawn downwards in its course

By gravitation's wondrous force,

O'er those perpendicular walls,

Hurled 'mong mighty rocks it falls,

Causing the earth to throb and shake

Like to the tremor of earthquake.

Thus the world's greatest wonder

Reverberates like peals of thunder,

Enshrined with mist and beauteous glow

Of varied tints of the rainbow,

Most glorious sight the human eye

Hath ever seen beneath the sky,

Along these banks none ever trod

But did feel grateful to his God,

For lavishing with bounteous hand

Glories majestic and so grand.

The foaming billows soon are seen

Transformed into a beauteous green,

Plunged by whirlpools dread commotion

It becomes a seething ocean,

Where furies join in surging dance

From centre to circumference,

This is the favorite abode

Of Neptune, mightiest sea God,

He hath decreed none shall survive

Who will into this vortex dive.

Webb swam the English channel brave,

Like seabird he did love to lave

His breast upon the mightiest wave,

Alas, found here a watery grave;

Torrent onward rushes frantic

On its course to the Atlantic,

But on its way doth gently flow

Through blue lake Ontario,

Rejoicing on its way it smiles,

Kissing the shores of Thousand Isles,

Mingling with St. Lawrance motion,

It soon is blended with the ocean.

Poems of James McIntyre

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