Читать книгу Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies - Льюис Спенс, James Mooney - Страница 5


Table of Contents


General Introduction

The Apache

Historical Sketch

Homeland and Life

Mythology - Creation Myth

Medicine and Medicine-Men

The Messiah Craze

Puberty Rite

Dance of the Gods

The Jicarillas

Home and General Customs

Mythology - Creation Myth

Miracle Performers

Origin of Fire

The Navaho

Home Life, Arts, and Beliefs


Mythology - Creation Myth

Miracle Performers

Legend of the Happiness Chant

Legend of the Night Chant

Ceremonies—The Night Chant

Maturity Ceremony



Tribal Summary - The Apache

The Jicarillas

The Navaho

Southern Athapascan Comparative Vocabulary

Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies

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