Читать книгу El Segundo - James Newton - Страница 3



To a great extent the Bible is a collection of books written by men of humble origin, who penned it under the guidance of God. Much of its teaching and terminology is couched in natural language. A Language articulating outdoor subjects and phenomena such as vineyards, olive trees, wheat, chaff and harvest time.

Today in this new generation, many people particularly "city folk" are often unfamiliar with such subjects as, livestock, cotton fields, and migrant labor. Many of this millennium are unfamiliar with common Bible truths.

Big city folk miss out on the simple truth of God, and the danger of race hatred in the history of the Bible as well as the bigotry that unfortunately still prevails today.

In this book, EL SEGUNDO, I use natural phenomena to explain the truths of the Supernatural God. I use sound methodology both Scientific and Spiritual to validate and explain my journey.

Consequently I make this statement that through this approach, scripture and parables are revealed. My journey from the Cotton fields and my freedom from my tortured servitude under the blazing Mississippi hot sun resembles an Exodus.

The plantation owners were merciless in their cruelty. They were deceitful. This combination brought poverty, and kept black people and the white share cropper slaves under the thumb of their system.

I believe God used these hardships of the racist South to build character and principle in the lives of those who lived it. I believe God used poverty to teach perseverance and persistence to overcome life's obstacles and reach their dreams, and receive God's blessings.

I have shared these thoughts with people in over 17 Nations. I have shared how live and not just survive, how to come out of your poverty mentality and become a productive citizen. I teach and preach the joy of living out your dreams.

The cotton fields and its oppressive work as a share croppers son have built my character and inspired me to assist others who are underprivileged and are in bondage of hardship and poverty.

I recognize that this book is developed against unique background which perhaps given me a greater inspiration than many writers to tell this story.

I make no apologies to my friends of childhood, but as William Faulkner said in 1955, " We speak now against the day when our Southern People who will resist to the last these inevitable changes in social relations, will, when they have been forced to accept what they at one time might have accepted it with dignity and good will, will say, why didn't some one tell us this before? TELL US THIS TIME."

I then humble ask each reader to approach the pages of this book with an open mind and unbiased heart. If you do, fresh truth and exciting glimpses of God's care will float over your being.

You will be brought to a new appreciation of how The Almighty God has put forth an endless effort through our Saviour Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd to provide the way for our prosperity.

James Newton

El Segundo

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