Читать книгу IPhone 13 Pro Max Camera Mastering - James Nino - Страница 4

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Content Details 6

Introduction 12

Chapter 1: Introduction to iPhone 13 15

Chapter 2: iPhone 13 Pro Max Specs 18

Video Recording: 18

Camera Specs: 20

TrueDepth Camera: 22

Best iPhone for Photography 24

iPhone 13 Pro Max vs iPhone 12 Pro Max 25

Why iPhone 13 Pro Max is Only 12MP 26

Part One: 30

Beginner's Guide to Photography 30

Chapter 3: Getting Started 31

Chapter 4: Camera Modes 33

Chapter 5: Selfies 42

1. Lighting 42

2. Best Side 43

3. Filters 43

Chapter 6: Sharing Photos 44

Chapter 7: Basic Editing on iPhone 13 46

Cropping, rotating or flipping a photo or video 46

Straighten and Adjust Perspective 47

Adjusting the color and light 48

Trim a video 49

Setting the slow-motion part of a video 49

Revert an edited photo 50

Chapter 8: Photographic Styles in iPhone 13 51

Part Two: 55

Intermediate's Guide to Photography 55

Chapter 9: Changing the intensity of the LED Flashlight 56

Chapter 10: ISO 59

Chapter 11: Focus Lock 65

Chapter 12: Camera Exposure 68

Chapter 13: Camera Grids 72

Chapter 14: Filters 74

Chapter 15: Switching Lenses 76

Chapter 16: Optical and Digital Zoom 78

Chapter 17: Aspect Ratio 81

Chapter 18: Guide to the Perfect Frame 84

1. Composition 84

2. Visualization 85

3. Leading the Eye 86

4. Symmetry 87

Chapter 19: HDR 88

Chapter 20: Portraits 89

Chapter 21: Depth of Field 94

Chapter 22: Settings for Different Times of Day 96

Chapter 23: ProRes 101

Standard Video Format vs. ProRes 101

Part Three: 106

Advanced Guide to Smartphone Photography 106

Chapter 24: Shutter Speed 107

Chapter 25: Aperture 114

F-Stop and F-Number 116

Chapter 26: Filters Extended 123

Chapter 27: Editing for Pros 125

1. Exposure 125

2. Create Contrast 125

3. Cropping 125

4. Enhance Colors 126

5. Adjust Highlights 126

6. Fine-Tune Shadows 127

Chapter 28: Apple ProRaw 128

Chapter 29: Golden Ratio 131

1. Applicability of the Golden Ratio 132

2. The Scene 133

Chapter 30: Rules of Thirds 134

Chapter 31: Adjusting to the Light 137

Soft Light vs. Hard Light 140

Chapter 32: Food Photography 144

Chapter 33: Landscapes 149

1. Depth of field 150

2. Dominant Skies 150

3. A Tripod 151

4. Foregrounds 152

Chapter 34: Wildlife Photography 153

2. Manual Mode 154

3. Auto White Balance (AWB) 154

4. Know Your Subject 155

Chapter 35: Macro Photography 157

Mind the Aperture 160

Shutter Speed 162

Focusing 164

1. Photographing relatively large subjects 165

2. Photographing more minor subjects 167

3. Using a tripod 170

Chapter 36: City Photography 172

1. Minding the Exposure 172

2. Shutter Speed 173

3. Color Advantage 173

4. Shooting at Multiple Times 174

5. Include People and Buildings 174

7. Use a Polarizer 176

Chapter 37: iPhone Hacks 177

Candid Photos / Capture Using AirPods 177

View Photo/Video Details and Add Captions 178

Find Photos 100 Times Faster Using Photo Search 179

Preserving Old Photos with Duplicates 180

Conclusion 182

IPhone 13 Pro Max Camera Mastering

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