Читать книгу The Far Lands - James Norman Hall - Страница 3



Table of Contents

Mother of Oceans! Changeless, timeless Sea ...

(Until our time. Who knows if that will be

Henceforth? If modern madmen with the power

Of demon gods may not, in one brief hour

Bring death and desolation to all being

Within Thy realm?): grant me a way of seeing

Men of another Age, upon the quest

Never ended, never despaired of; guessed,

Dreamed of, hoped for, ages long ago;

Dreamed of, hoped for, in the days we know.

Tavi-the-Jester’s phantom lands still rise

And fade to empty sea before men’s eyes.

Lest we grow sick at heart from hope deferred

May we, too, hear the call that Maui heard.

The Far Lands

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