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Night had descended when Rathburn came in sight of the little town on the edge of the foothills. He rode slowly toward it, staring moodily at the flickering lights between interlaced branches which waved and weaved in the wind blowing down from the mountains. In all the distance he had traveled from the lonely ranch where he had met the girl and the boy he had encountered no one. He surmised that the trail to the desert hills to eastward was not a popular one.

As he neared the town he saw that it consisted of one main street with buildings clustered about it, and numerous shacks scattered in the lee of the hills. There were trees close to the eastern end of the street which he was approaching, and when he reached these trees he dismounted, led his horse into the shadows, and tied it.

He walked down the main street, which was illuminated only by the stars and the yellow gleams of light from windows on either side.

There were several resorts, and one in particular seemed the most popular. Rathburn glanced in through the door of this place as he passed and saw that it consisted of a bar and numerous tables, where games were in progress. He did not stop but continued on his way.

Few people were on the street; none of them took any especial notice of him. Several doors below the largest resort which he had so casually investigated, he came to a small, one-story, white-painted 25 building, which, save for the door and window in its front, looked like a huge box.

Across the glass in the door was lettered in gold:

JUDSON BROWN Justice of the Peace Notary Public

A dim light shone within, and, peering through the window, Rathburn saw that this light came from a lamp in a second room behind the little front office.

He looked up and down the street and saw but two pedestrians, both walking up the other side of the thoroughfare with their back to him. He tried the door stealthily, found it unlocked, and stepped quickly inside. Three strides took him to the door of the inside room.

A man looked up from a small table where he was engaged in writing. He was a stout man, large of countenance, with small black eyes under bushy brows which were black, although his hair was gray. He scowled heavily at the intruder who failed to remove his hat, and who stood, with feet well apart, in the doorway, a whimsical smile playing on his lips.

In a sweeping glance Rathburn saw that the room contained a bed, wardrobe closet, several chairs, and other articles of furniture and decoration of a bedroom and living room. His eyes flashed back to the burly man sitting at the table, pen poised, coolly surveying him with a frown.

“Your name Jud Brown?” he asked, stepping inside the room and to the side of the door toward the table where he could not be seen from the street.

“I’m Judge Brown,” replied the large man testily. “You should have knocked before you came in, but now you’re here, state your business as quickly as possible.”


“That’s a businesslike tone that I admire to hear, Brown,” drawled Rathburn. “You’ll excuse my not callin’ you judge. I’m afraid when you find out who I am you’d think I was kiddin’ you!”

He smiled amiably while the justice glared angrily.

“You’re drunk!” flared Brown. “The best thing you can do is get out of here––quick.”

Rathburn looked pained. “First you ask me to state my business an’ now you tell me to get out,” he complained. “You might as well know that I never touch likker,” he added convincingly.

Brown was studying him intently with a puzzled look on his face. “Well,” he said finally, with a show of irritation, “what do you want?”

“I want you to tell me the why an’ the wherefores of this document,” said Rathburn sternly as he drew a folded piece of paper from a pocket and spread it out on the table before the astonished gaze of the justice.

“That’s one of a number I saw tacked on trees on the east trail out of here,” continued Rathburn, frowning. “What’s it all about, Brown?”

The pen in the hand of the justice suddenly began to waver as the hand trembled. Then Brown dropped it, squared away his chair, and looked grimly at his nocturnal visitor. For some moments his gaze was concentrated on Rathburn’s face. Then he slowly read the poster offering a reward of five hundred dollars for The Coyote. He wet his lips with his tongue.

“So I was right!” he exclaimed. “You were headed in this direction. I’m assuming that you’re The Coyote!”

“And you’re assuming what’s the bare, untarnished truth,” said Rathburn. “I’m The Coyote you’ve offered five hundred for, an’ who’ll bring another five hundred in several counties in Arizona, not to 27 mention five thousand that the State of Arizona has tossed into the pot. I suppose I’m worth at least ten thousand as I stand here.”

“That would be cheap for a man of your reputation!” said the justice bravely. “We don’t want you across the line in California, Coyote. We won’t put up with your depredations, and if you murder one of our citizens you’ll hang!”

Rathburn’s chilling laugh hung upon the justice’s words. “You’re side-stepping the point,” he said suddenly in crisp tones that were like the crack of a whiplash. “You’re anticipating events, Jud. That’s my complaint––that’s my business here with you.” He brought his right palm down upon the table smartly.

“An’ now that I’m here, Jud, you’re sure goin’ to listen!”

“Don’t threaten me!” cried the justice. “There are a hundred men within call and they’d make short work of you if they got their hands on you. Darn your ornery hide, I’m holding the winning cards in this game!” he concluded excitedly.

Rathburn was smiling at him; and it was not his natural smile. It gave the justice pause as he looked up into those narrowed gray eyes, shot with a steel-blue light. Rathburn’s right hand and wrist moved with incredible swiftness, and Brown found himself staring into the black bore of a six-gun. Still he saw the eyes above the weapon. His face blanched.

“There are six winning cards in my right hand,” Rathburn said slowly. “You can start shoutin’ for those hundred men you mentioned just as soon as you want. Brown, it’s you an’ your kind that’s made me desperate––dangerous, like you said in that printed notice. I won’t fool with you or any other man on earth!”

The Coyote

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