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“The power that Greece had to throw out light is marvelous, even now that we have the example of France. Greece did not colonize without civilizing—an example that more than one modern nation might follow: to buy and sell is not all.

“Tyre bought and sold: Berytus bought and sold: Sidon bought and sold: Sarepta bought and sold. Where are these cities? Athens taught; and she is to this hour one of the capitals of human thought.

“The grass is growing on the six steps of the tribune where spoke Demosthenes: the Ceramicus is a ravine, half-choked with the marble dust which was once the palace of Cecrops: the Odeon of Herod Atticus, at the foot of the Acropolis, is now but a ruin on which falls at certain hours the imperfect shadow of the Parthenon: the temple of Theseus belongs to the swallows: the goats browse on the Pnyx. Still the Greek spirit lives: still Greece is queen: still Greece is goddess. A counting house passes away: a school remains.”

The Making of a Man

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