Читать книгу Siberian Hearts - James Anderson - Страница 11

Chapter 9


The next day Natalya’s letter came. As he opened the envelope, a picture fell out. He picked it up and saw Natalya leaning up against a short concrete wall. Her elbows were resting on top of the wall, and one foot was bent and resting directly against the wall. She had on high heels, black nylons, and a short skirt. “What great legs,” he said to himself. He had always been sort of a legman. Her pulled back arms stretched the material on her blouse to show a flat stomach and nice breasts. Looking at her, he felt a twinge in his groin. He found her devastatingly sexy. Her long hair was in back of her but in its thickness flared out on either side. Her oriental eyes sparkled at him from half a world away. Her heart shaped lips were parted in a beautiful smile revealing strong, even, white teeth. The hand written letter read:

Dear Mike,

I was very happy to receive your letter. I have read it many times and each time is better. Thank you. Also thank you for my pictures. But, Mike, you must do me favor. You must never again say you are not a handsome man. You are. You are very handsome. I think you are a beautiful man. I think that if there is a person who is not beautiful, it is me, not you. So, that is last time you will say that you are not handsome man, or think that I am too beautiful for you. I am not – I am only Natalya and I hope that nice American man named Michael Valentine likes me.

I am sorry about your family. We have both decided that your wife was very beautiful and nice and your daughter was perfect. It is sad thing and I am sorry. It hurt you very much. I understand death. It is very sad.

I also must tell you that I am glad you are interested in me and I am very interested in you. My cousin says that you are a very good man and I believe her. Rolf also says you are a very good man. It is his job to judge people and he makes very much money judging what people do and who they are. He is very impressed by you, and he is never wrong. So, if you are still interested in me, then I am here for you. I promise I will wait for you to decide. I know that we have never met and I know we do not know each other. But I have a thought about you. I think in America you say feeling. I believe this is very good thing. So, I wait for you, Mr. Valentine in Sacramento, America.

He put the letter down and tried to breathe. “Damn. Can this be happening?” He continued reading.

I now tell you about me. I have twenty-nine years. I have never been married and have no children. I want children very much. I want very much to be good mother and good wife. It is my dream. There have been many men wanting me but I not interested. I know this strange because we not know each other, but you are first man I interested in for being together for all lifetime. I hope that does not make you afraid. We do not know each other but I know and not afraid.

I only been with one man. He Russian mine engineer and good and honest man. I tell you we had sex very often. I hope that not make you jealous. In a way, I loved him. But I not loved him completely. Not as I will love my husband. Now, when I look at your picture, I sorry I had sex with him. But I did and I sorry I did. I should not. I hope you forgive me. Please tell me and I feel better. The man is gone. I already have not seen him three years.

When I was little girl, I lived with my grandmother, my babushka, with our tribe. It was simple life. I attended small school in village. Government teachers from Yakutsk taught me to read and write Russian language. I wished very much to learn. I learned quickly and teachers told my babushka she must take me to Yakutsk for better school. She did. My family worked very hard so I could be in school. It not normal because Yakut girls often not attend normal schools. I had very good success and my tribe is very proud.

I also very good artist. My cousin, Ludmilla, attended government school already because she good artist. Government schoolteachers saw I better artist so I also attend government school. My babushka and I worked hard at any honest job to get extra money. My family also to us food and little money. They still very good to us and often bring to us horse meat and reindeer meat and vegetables.

I learned very quick at school. I worked very hard and learned speak Russian better than Russians. I also learned speak English. I very glad I did that. Now I talk to you, Mr. Michael Valentine of United States of America.

I went to Institute for Teachers and became schoolteacher. Now I teach English and Russian for advanced students. I also teach students how draw pictures.

I live with my babushka and we love each other very much. I want to say I must take care of my babushka until she dead. I must leave my life before I let her suffer. Please tell me I can care for my babushka. I beg you tell me that OK for you. We poor, but we happy. I am much happy since I received your letter, Michael Valentine. Thank you again. But, if you not accept my babushka, then I cannot be with you. Please, please, please tell me you accept her. I cannot leave her. It impossible for me. I want meet you and be with you more than I want live, but I must care my babushka. Please tell me that acceptable for you. She wonderful old woman and very much fun. Please, please, please say is OK.

The last thing I want tell you is I honest woman. You must know I tell you truth. I adult and know people believe I crazy to hope in man I not know and who lives in America. But I feel this good. I hope you feel this good also.

I sending you another picture. I must wait until I receive money to send more pictures. But I promise to send.

So, Michael, Misha, Mr. Valentine, please know that I think about you very often. I will read your letter many more times and look at my beautiful pictures of my Misha. My babushka also thinks you are a very handsome man. Please do not be angry, but when we saw your pictures, we both said that if you were a horse, you could satisfy many mares in a single day. And I must tell you, and please do not be angry, when I look at you I think thoughts an unmarried woman should not think.

Also, please to answer these questions. We confused about things you said and things we saw in my beautiful pictures.

I am hoping,

Natalya Ivanova Bombla

Yakutsk , Siberia


Why ‘tundra’ on your truck? Tundra in the north of our country.

What ‘rounds?’ You said you went five rounds with your friend.

Where beautiful fireplace you and your brother and his family standing in front of? We both love it.

What ‘in the millions’ mean?

What ‘knocked out’ mean?

He put down the letter and laughed. He brought the letter up and then put it down and laughed again. He suddenly noticed he was sitting down on the floor with his back against the wall and he laughed again. He looked at the picture and laughed.

“Not beautiful enough? Hell, woman, I…” Then he dropped the picture and laughed. He brought the letter up and put it down. He brought the picture up and said, “I’m going to marry you. We both know it.” Then he stood up and walked to the computer. He stopped and started to call his brother. Then he stopped and tried to remember where his camera was. He found it and started walking next door. Then he stopped and put the camera on the table. Then he walked next door and knocked. Ludmilla answered.

“Yes, Mike, what is it?” He started to talk but could only laugh.

Five days later, Natalya received a letter special delivery through FedEx. It was from Michael Valentine of Sacramento, California and was delivered to her door. That was the first package she ever received that she didn’t have to pick up at the post office.

She opened it and took out the thick letter. It was typed written again. She looked at the first line. It read ‘Dearest Natalya.’ She flipped the pages and looked at the last line. It read “Love, Mike.”

She dropped to her knees and began crying. She knew this would happen. She knew beyond doubt that her dream would come true. Years of frustration came out in sobs. Her babushka ran to her. “What’s wrong, Little Bird?”

She looked up with tears streaming down her face. She smiled and said, “It will happen, Dear Heart. I know it will happen. He will come here and save us. I know it!” Then they hugged each other and both cried. After a few minutes, they sat down side by side on their ancient sofa. Natalya was sniffing, wiping her eyes, and laughing all at the same time.

“Which should we do first,” asked her babushka, “the pictures or the letter?”

Natalya smiled, wiping away more tears. “The letter. I want to read what he says.”

Her babushka nodded and smiled. “I can be patient.”

Natalya smiled and they hugged again. She opened the letter and read.

Dearest Natalya,

I agree with you. People will think this is crazy. We have never met and it seems we are from different worlds. But I know, I just know we are meant to be together. I don’t know how I know, but I know.

She put the letter down and wept.

“Are those good tears, or bad tears?” asked her babushka.

“They are heaven’s rain of joy, Dear heart.”

“Well, hurry up. I am an old woman.”

They embraced one more time before she continued.

First, I want to get something straight, or I want there to be understanding between us. You are a million times more beautiful than I am. I will not hear any more argument about that. Also, you are a very intelligent woman. I was only a policeman. I hope I am not too stupid for you.

Next, you have no reason to ask my forgiveness for the Russian engineer. That is in the past. Now, and I hope this does not make you mad. In my mind, you belong to me and I belong to you. What has happened before makes no difference. What is important is what happens now between us.

Next, please know that I will gladly accept your babushka as my own and promise you I will take care for her for as long as she lives. Your family has been very good to you. I want to help them, also.

Natalya, your letter means so much to me. I also have read it many times. I want you to know I feel as you do. As soon as I can, I am coming there. And, when I come, if you still want me, and when you are sure, we will marry and I will bring you and your babushka back to live with me. I hope that does not make you afraid of me. It does not make me afraid.

And, I must tell you, my beautiful pictures make me want to make love to you. I hope you know what that means. It means sex. But in a good and pure way, the way two people who love each other have sex, in a way that has meaning and hope in the future.

She dropped the letter and said in Russian, “Can this be happening?”

“Good happening, or bad happening?”

“Wonderful happening.” She continued.

He went on to tell her about his childhood in Sacramento and his Irish Catholic upbringing. He said he was not religious, so whatever her beliefs were was fine with him.

Toward the end of the long letter, he answered her questions. She thought it strange to name a truck after frozen land. Why would anyone want to name a truck after useless land? But when he explained what ‘in the millions’ meant, she was taken aback.

“Dear Heart, do you want to know what ‘in the millions’ means?’”

“Yes, Little Bird, what does it mean?”

“It means he was millions of dollars.”

“Dollars like money dollars?”

“Like money dollars.”

They looked at each other. “This can’t be right,” said Natalya. “He must have misunderstood.”

Actually, she had no concept of how to even consider millions of dollars. It was just beyond her. Then she read the final paragraph.

Natalya, I want to help you and your babushka. There is an American Express in Yakutsk. I’m sure you know where it is. My accountant has sent twenty-five thousand dollars there in your name. All you need to do is take identification to prove who you are and they will put the money in any bank you want. I was assured that the American Express people there will give you any help you need. It will probably be a good idea just to leave the money there and use them as your bank.

That money is for you and your babushka. Do whatever you want and help whoever you want with it. I’m told that twenty five thousand dollars is a lot of money there due to the exchange rate between dollars and rubles. But, if you need more, I will be happy to send it.

She blinked at the words, thinking she didn’t read them correctly. She read it again and again, wondering how this could be possible. She had never known anyone with that much money. She read it again. Some of the syntax was very strange to her but she was sure or the meaning. That is what it says, she told herself.

She didn’t have a bank account. She had never had enough left over to worry about it. What should she do?

Not taking her eyes off the letter, she reached over and shook her babushka. “Dear Heart, help me.”

“What is it, Little Bird?”

She translated the paragraph into Yakut. Her babushka was equally dumbfounded. “Does it really say that?”

“I have read it five times. It really says that.”

“How much is twenty five thousand dollars in rubles?”

“I don’t know exactly. But I know it’s over thirty rubles to one dollar.”

“Eeeeyiiiii,” said her babushka.

Natalya did a quick calculation. “That would be over seven hundred and fifty thousand rubles.”


“This can’t be right,” said Natalya.

“Maybe you should go and see tomorrow.”

“I will. Now, let’s look at our pictures.”

The pictures were of her Misha in their house. They looked at each room. There were so many big and beautiful rooms. Misha was in some pictures, and her cousin was in others. Natalya stopped many times to cry.

The next day, Natalya took a bus to the American Express office. As she walked in, she saw a line of four people being helped by one person working behind the counter. Natalya got in line and waited. The people in line chatted with each other about everyday things. They tried to include Natalya but she was too nervous to do anything but smile and respond only when she had to.

When Natalya finally stepped up to the counted, a young blond man said in Russian, “Yes. How can I help you?”

Natalya had rehearsed what she was going to say. “My fiancée from California has wired some money here for me.”

The young man nodded. “What is you name?”

“Natalya Ivanova Bombla.”

The young man raised his eyebrows. “Yes. But it is a great deal of money. Do you have identification?”

Natalya showed her identification. The young man checked her identification and looked at her. He nodded and said, “One minute, please.” He went and talked to an older man behind a desk, pointing at Natalya. The older man took Natalya’s identification from the younger man, stood up, and came over to Natalya, extending his hand as he came.

“Miss Bombla, I am so happy to meet you. I am Mr. Petrov, the manager. Yes, your fiancé, Mr. Valentine, has wired you twenty-five thousand American dollars. We have it here for you. I was wondering, Miss Bombla, we offer banking as well as many other services. Can we convince you to deposit this money with us? I assure you, we are an international financial institution and I’m sure we can meet your needs.”

Natalya was shocked. It was true - she was rich. And, yes, she wanted the money to stay right here because that is what her Misha suggested.

“Yes, Mr. Petrov. I would like to keep the money here.”

He seemed relieved. “Excellent, Miss Bombla. We just have a few papers for you to fill out. It will not take long at all. Thank you so much for banking with us.”

He snapped his fingers and the young blond man stepped forward. “My son Alix will assist you. He will do everything he can to make this process quick and efficient. Will you be drawing any money out today?”

She blinked at him. “May I?”

The way she said it told Mr. Petrov volumes. He smiled. “Miss Bombla,” he said with great respect. “You are now a rich woman. Mr. Valentine informed our counterparts in the United States that he is fully prepared to send more money if it is needed. You may draw out as much as you want, all of it if you want. The information we received from America indicates that your fiancé is an extremely wealthy man.” He took a chance. “Did you know that, Miss Bombla?”

She blushed. “No. I mean he said he was wealthy, but… It’s just…” She took a deep breath. “I knew he received a disability pension from being wounded as a policeman. I knew he had enough. He told me he had money, but I did not know he was very wealthy.”

Mr. Petrov smiled and nodded. “Congratulations on your marriage, Miss Bombla. And congratulations on becoming a rich woman. Now, will you need any money today?”

It never occurred to her that she could actually take money with her. This was mind-boggling. Her Misha had sent her allot of money, the man in whom she had placed her faith since she was a little girl was now taking care of her. Her ghost was real.

She did take some out, but not much. She wanted to buy a present for her babushka and some shoes she had been wanting very badly. But that was all. She wanted time to think. The last thing she wanted to do was make stupid mistakes.

When she left, the manager thanked her again for her patronage and told her to come back anytime. He gave her his personal phone number and told her he would be happy to assist her in any way he could. She now had a great deal of money and an extremely wealthy fiancée. If she needed any advice at all, he would be happy to assist. All he asked in return was that she put in a good word with Mr. Valentine.

She left the building and slowly walked toward the bus stop, her mind going in many different directions. She waited at the bus stop wondering how all this came to past. Things like this just didn’t happen. Fairytales aren’t real. Princes don’t ride in on white horses and carry you away to far off kingdoms. But, maybe, just maybe, once in a great while, they do.

On the way home, she stopped and bought her babushka some soft candy she knew the old woman loved. She also bought the shoes with her Misha in mind and seriously looked, for the first time ever, at clothes that were previously unthinkable. Since she paid cash for the expensive shoes without batting an eye, the sales people took her seriously and hovered around her, continually asking her if she had any questions. Natalya enjoyed every second of the experience, telling them she would probably be back and asking serious questions about items in which she was interested.

When she walked in her front door, she could smell the borsch and black bread. Her babushka hobbled around on her toeless feet and cackled to herself in Yakut.

“Kind evening, Dear Heart. How was your day?”

“The same, Little Bird. How was yours?”

“Good, good.”

She waited, teasing her babushka just a little.


“Well what, Dear Heart?”

“Did you go to the American Express?”

“Oh, that. Yes I did,” she said, trying to suppress a smile.

Her babushka knew her well enough to see it was good news. “Little Bird, I see your pretty eyes. I see right into you.”

Natalya laughed and ran to her grandmother. “It’s true, babushka! It’s all true! It was there! You should have seen the bank manager and his son. They couldn’t do enough for me. They almost wet themselves when they thought I might take the money out.”

Babushka laughed and clapped her hands. “Oh, Little Bird, how wonderful!”

It did not occur to Natalya that this might not be real. Didn’t she have the picture to prove that they belonged together? Didn’t one look at her picture convince him that she belonged to him? Plus, she was just having too much fun to think about anything else.

Natalya took the candy out of her purse and gave it to her grandmother. “I bought you a celebration present.”

Her old dark eyes grew wide with excitement. “Candy! Ummmm!”

She picked up the other bag and showed her babushka the shoes she bought. “I think my Misha will like these.”

They looked at each other.

“So, Little Bird, you’re rich.”

“No, Dear Heart, we’re rich.”

Siberian Hearts

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