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1.2.3 Acoustic Velocity (Speed of Sound)


The acoustic velocity of a fluid is the speed of sound in the fluid under isentropic conditions and is given by


For a gas of molecular mass μf, , where is the universal gas constant (=8314.4 J/kmole K).

Rewriting Eq. (1.33) in terms of the universal gas constant ,


At a given temperature and ratio of specific heats, the acoustic velocity can be written as

The Mach number Ma (in honour of Ernst Mach) is defined as


The Mach number is used to indicate speed of flow or forward speed of aircraft and rockets and also to indicate different flow regimes:

Mach number Flow regime
Ma < 1 Subsonic flow
Ma = 1 Sonic flow
1 < Ma < 5 Supersonic flow
Ma > 5 Hypersonic flow
Fundamentals of Heat Engines

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