Читать книгу The Power and the Glorification - Jan L. de Jong - Страница 8



1 Antonio Filarete, bronze doors, Saint Peter’s, Rome
2 Antonio Filarete, Saint Peter Handing the Keys to Pope Eugenius IV
3 Antonio Filarete, central panels of the bronze doors of Saint Peter’s, Rome
4 Sistine Chapel, Vatican Palace, Rome
5 Reconstruction of the Sistine Chapel in its original state
6 Sandro Botticelli, The Trials of Moses
7 Sandro Botticelli, The Temptations of Christ
8 Cosimo Rosselli, Moses Receiving the Tablets with the Ten Commandments; the Adoration of the Golden Calf
9 Cosimo Rosselli, Christ’s Sermon on the Mount
10 Sandro Botticelli, The Revolt of Core, Dathan, and Abiron Against the Leadership of Moses and the Supreme Priesthood of Aaron
11 Pietro Perugino, The Surrender of the Keys; the Threat to Jesus
12 Sandro Botticelli(?), Pope Sixtus II
13 Circle of Pietro Perugino, The Assumption of the Virgin
14 Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican Palace, Rome
15 Stanza d’Eliodoro, Vatican Palace, Rome
16 Raphael, The Expulsion of Heliodorus Trying to Rob the Temple Treasury
17 Raphael, Saint Peter Liberated from Prison by an Angel
18 Raphael, Pope Leo I Deterring Attila and His Huns from Advancing to Rome
19 Raphael, The Mass at Bolsena
20 Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome
21 Nicolas Beatrizet, Castel Sant’Angelo Seen from Across the Tiber
22 Antonio Salamanca(?), Castel Sant’Angelo Seen from the South
23 Bartolomeo Faletti, Aerial View of Castel Sant’Angelo in 1557
24 Pintoricchio, The Resurrection
25 Pintoricchio, Pope Callixtus III Creating Enea Silvio Piccolomini a Cardinal in 1456
26 Pintoricchio, Saint Catherine of Alexandria Discussing with Emperor Maxentius’s Philosophers
27 Pintoricchio, Enea Silvio Piccolomini Paying Homage to Pope Eugenius IV in 1445
28 Baccio Pontelli(?), Castel Sant’Angelo Around 1490
29 Conservators’ Palace in Rome in its present state
30 Maarten van Heemskerck, Conservators’ Palace in Rome
31 Capitoline Hill in Rome in its present state
32 Maarten van Heemskerck(?), Capitoline Hill in Rome
33 Maarten van Heemskerck, Church of Saint John Lateran with the Equestrian Statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius
34 Maarten van Heemskerck, Capitoline Hill in Rome with View of Santa Maria in Aracoeli
35 Sala Grande, Conservators’ Palace, Rome
36 Sala dei Capitani, Conservators’ Palace, Rome
37 Reconstruction of the plan of the first floor of the Conservators’ Palace in Rome around 1500
38 Sala di Annibale, Conservators’ Palace, Rome
39 Sala della Lupa, Conservators’ Palace, Rome
40 Domenico Amio da Varignana, Honorary Statue of Pope Leo X
41 Trajan’s Column, Rome
42 Jacopo Ripanda, Sea Battle
43 Jacopo Ripanda, The Roman Triumph over Sicily
44 Jacopo Ripanda, Lutatius Catulus Conducting Peace Negotiations with the Carthaginian Leader Hamilcar
45 Jacopo Ripanda, Hannibal and His Troops on Their Way to Rome
46 Jacopo Ripanda, Manlius Vulso Defeating the Gallo-Greeks
47 Jacopo Ripanda, Chiomara with the Severed Head of a Roman Centurion
48 Jacopo Ripanda, The Triumph of P. Aemilius Paullus
49 Jacopo Ripanda, The Triumphal Procession of P. Aemilius Paullus
50 Hagesander, Polydorus, and Athanodorus, Laocoön
51 Colossal head of Emperor Constantine the Great
52 Domenico Amio da Varignana, Pope Leo X (detail)
53 Hall of Constantine, Vatican Palace, Rome
54 Vault of the Hall of Constantine
55 Diagram of the paintings in the Hall of Constantine
56 Raphael and assistants, The Cross Appearing to Emperor Constantine the Great
57 Raphael and assistants, Emperor Constantine the Great Defeating Emperor Maxentius in the Battle at the Milvian Bridge
58 Giulio Romano and Gianfrancesco Penni, Pope Sylvester I Baptizing Emperor Constantine the Great
59 Giulio Romano and Gianfrancesco Penni, Emperor Constantine the Great Donating the Western Half of His Empire to the Church
60 Raphael and assistants, Saint Peter as the First Pope
61 Raphael and assistants, Pope Clement I
62 Giulio Romano and Gianfrancesco Penni, Pope Leo I
63 Giulio Romano and Gianfrancesco Penni, Emperor Constantine the Great Founding the Church of Saint Peter’s in Rome
64 Raphael and assistants, The Aftermath of the Battle at the Milvian Bridge
65 Raphael and assistants, The Siege of a City
66 Emperor Constantine the Great Addressing His Troops
67 Baptistery of Saint John Lateran, Rome
68 Farnese Palace, Caprarola
69 Plan of the first floor of the Farnese Palace, Caprarola
70 Loggia of Hercules, Farnese Palace, Caprarola
71 Room of the Farnese Deeds, Farnese Palace, Caprarola
72 Taddeo Zuccaro, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese Entering Paris in 1540
73 Salotto or Anticamera del Concilio, Farnese Palace, Caprarola
74 Vault of the salotto or Anticamera del Concilio, Farnese Palace, Caprarola
75 Taddeo Zuccaro, The Coronation of Pope Paul III in 1534
76 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Blessing the Fleet Leaving to Capture Tunis in 1535
77 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Joining the Fleets of the Participants in the Holy League in 1538
78 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Excommunicating King Henry VIII of England
79 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Forcing Perugia into Obedience in 1540
80 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Receiving Emperor Charles V After His Victory at Tunis in 1535
81 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Reconciling Emperor Charles V and King Francis I and Concluding the Treaty of Nice in 1538
82 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Initiating the Council of Trent in 1545
83 Taddeo Zuccaro, Pope Paul III Creating New Cardinals
84 Room of One Hundred Days, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome
85 Room of the Farnese Deeds, Farnese Palace, Rome
86 Giorgio Vasari, The Universal Peace
87 Francesco Salviati, The Treaty of Nice
88 Titian, Portrait of Philip, Future King of Spain
89 Francesco Salviati, The Council of Trent
90 Raphael, Dispute About the Holy Sacrament
91 Raphael, The School of Athens
92 Giorgio Vasari, The Pope Rewarding the Virtuous
93 Taddeo Zuccaro, preparatory sketch for Pope Paul III Excommunicating King Henry VIII of England
94 Sala Regia, Vatican Palace, Rome
95 Giorgio Vasari, signature in Greek (detail of fig. 112)
96 North wall of the Sala Regia, with papal throne
97 South wall of the Sala Regia
98 Pietro da Cortona (ascribed), Pope Paul V Receiving the Imperial Ambassador Paolo Savelli
99 Etienne Dupérac, Pope Pius V Conferring the Title of Grand Duke on Cosimo I de’ Medici, February 18, 1570
100 Diagram of the paintings in the Sala Regia
101 Giovanni Maria Zoppelli, Charles of Anjou’s Oath of Loyalty After the Enfeoffment of Sicily(?)
102 Girolamo Sicciolante da Sermoneta, King Pippin III Handing Back the Territories of the Church to Pope Stephen II
103 Livio Agresti da Forlì, King Peter II of Aragon Offering His Kingdom to Pope Innocent III
104 Giuseppe Porta, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa Asking Pope Alexander III for Forgiveness
105 Giovanni Battista Fiorini, Pope Gregory II Receiving King Luitprand’s Confirmation of the Donation by King Ariperth
106 Orazio Samacchini, Otto I Restoring to the Church the Provinces Occupied by the Tyrants Berengar and His Son Adalbert
107 Taddeo Zuccaro, Charlemagne Returning the Possessions of the Church
108 Taddeo and Federico Zuccaro, Pope Gregory VII Absolving Emperor Henry IV
109 Giorgio Vasari, Pope Gregory IX Excommunicating Emperor Frederick II
110 Michelangelo, Last Judgment
111 Perino del Vaga, Jupiter Slaying the Rebellious Giants
112 Giorgio Vasari, Pope Gregory XI Returning the Papal Seat from Avignon to Rome
113 Anonymous, Pope Pius V Blessing the Crowds in Front of Saint Peter’s
114 Taddeo and Federico Zuccaro, Charles V Capturing Tunis in 1535
115 Giorgio Vasari, The Assault on Admiral Caspar de Coligny
116 Donato Bramante, Tempietto
117 Giorgio Vasari, The Massacre of the Huguenots
118 Giorgio Vasari, King Charles IX Approving the Massacre of the Huguenots in the Parisian Parliament
119 Giorgio Vasari, The Christian and the Turkish Fleets on the Eve of the Battle of Lepanto
120 Giorgio Vasari, The Battle of Lepanto
121 Giorgio Vasari(?), preliminary study for Pope Pius V Appointing Don John of Austria Commander of the Holy League’s Army
122 Anonymous, King Lothar III Crowned Emperor (1133) by Pope Innocent II
123 Pietro da Cortona, The Triumph of Divine Providence and the Fulfillment of Her Ends During the Pontificate of Urban VIII
The Power and the Glorification

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