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Chapter 1

The intoxicating smell of the Marrakesh medina lured Des Moines Detective Brett O’Shea and his girlfriend, Lisa Winslow, deeper inside the sprawling array of shops or souks as they were referred to in Morocco. The individual souk owners sold numerous items, including fresh spices, beautiful Moroccan rugs, handmade leather bags, decorative scarves, and more varieties of dates than Brett could ever remember.

To his frustration, Lisa paused every few seconds to take another picture of the ancient Arabic architecture surrounding the public square known as Djemaa El Fna. The heat was stifling. He wanted out from this crowd of people. It didn’t help that Brett’s internal radar was off the chart. Something didn’t feel right.

Until he could get Lisa out of here, he needed to stay alert. Without meaning to, Brett felt as if he’d gone back in time when he looked at the cobblestone streets and donkeys pulling manmade wooden carts. As they meandered their way past the souks, Brett sighed, drawing Lisa’s gaze. His feet ached, and a bead of sweat slowly trickled down his spine.

Shoulder to shoulder with other tourists and locals, Brett subconsciously patted his pocket, checking his wallet and passport.

“This is better than a farmers’ market,” Lisa exclaimed.

“Yeah, you don’t see snake charmers and cobras in the Des Moines market.”

Laughing, she swung toward him. Her blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “Nervous?” she teased.

“Of course not,” he muttered, though his gaze continually scanned the crowd. With recent terrorist activities, Brett wanted to be prepared and have an escape route. When he heard about a bombing in Casa Blanca a week before they left home, he almost canceled their trip. Lisa had convinced him there wouldn’t be any problems. So far, she’d been right.

Like many cops, he expected the worst. To make the situation even tenser, he didn’t have a gun. How could he protect Lisa, if needed? His eyes narrowed, studying the mass of people walking nearby. If someone had a gun or a bomb, he’d never know until it was too late. The sooner they returned to Iowa, the better he’d feel.

Brett tried to think of a way to get Lisa back to the hotel. The novelty of shopping had worn off several hours ago. The desert sun seemed to bake everything on the streets, including him. Dusk was fast approaching. He glanced at his watch for the hundredth time. He didn’t want to be caught out here in the dark. They looked too much like tourists.

The atmosphere took an ominous turn when a brisk wind tore through the alleyways. Blackish purple clouds rolled over the city, casting a pall over the shops. Several merchants scrambled to roll down the canvas tarps that acted as doors. Brett cringed as Lisa turned down yet another narrow alleyway.

“Hey, slow down a minute,” Brett warned, studying the buildings lining the alley. There seemed to be fewer souks here, more isolated.

Lisa’s blond hair whipped around her face. “Just a few minutes more. I think there may be jewelry places down here.”

Ahead of him, Lisa zigzagged through the darkened alley. Brett swore under his breath. Lisa had been looking for antique jewelry, a one-of-a-kind piece. Today was the last day for her to find something. Yet it wasn’t worth their lives. He’d had enough. He increased his pace and reached out, grabbing her arm. “Stop, please.”

Her smile faded as she glanced up at him. “What’s wrong?”

Brett dropped his hand to his side. “I’d feel much better if we were back in the main area. I’m getting a bad vibe about this place.”

She hesitated. A pleading look filled her gaze. “You think it’s necessary?”

He nodded—a surge of relief coursed through him. Thankfully, Lisa saw reason.

“Maybe I can find some jewelry near the hotel.”

The feeling of relief quickly faded. Lisa looked so downcast that Brett was hit with an arrow of guilt. Damn! Why are women so complicated?

They turned to retrace their steps out of the maze. A young Moroccan man in modern dress stepped from a doorway, blocking their exit.

“Good day,” the man smiled. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. What kind of jewelry is the lady looking for?”

Brett stepped in front of Lisa, putting her safely behind his back. “You need to excuse us. We’re leaving.”

“I am a local guide. I can show you some very special jewelry pieces that you will not find anywhere else. You are American, yes?”

Brett shook his head as Lisa nodded. Geez, Lisa! He could tell by the look on her face she wanted to see what the guy had.

“Thanks for the offer, but it’s getting late. We need to head back to the hotel.” Brett snagged Lisa’s hand and took a step forward.

The guide looked crestfallen; his head was hanging down with his dark black hair falling over one eye. In a low singsong voice, he murmured, “Sir, I tell you now that no harm will come to you while in my care. I will take you to your hotel. No worries.”

Why was this guy so insistent? Brett’s survival instincts went on high alert. With a shake of his head, Brett wrapped his arm around Lisa’s shoulder, nudging her forward. “Thanks…”

“Omar. My name is Omar.”

“Thanks, Omar. We’re going to pass.” Brett glowered down at Omar, making his six-foot-four frame as intimidating as possible.

Omar reached out, putting his hand on Brett’s arm. “Sir, please. I have the best things to show you.”

A strange look filled the young man’s eyes. Brett’s gut told him this guy was a con man. There was no way he was going to fall for some scam.

“Please, Brett, just a few minutes. Omar will make sure we get to the hotel. Isn’t that right, Omar?” Lisa’s hand brushed Brett’s cheek.

Omar vigorously nodded.

Brett inwardly groaned. Glancing at the ground, Brett clenched his hands. He felt guilty for wanting to go back to the hotel. Was he imagining things? Brett rubbed a hand over his face. Bottom line, he didn’t want to disappoint Lisa. Marrakesh and the medina were on the top of Lisa’s tourist things to do, as this was the most likely place to buy antique jewelry.

“Fine,” he snapped, “we’ll go for a few minutes. I hope we’re not going far, Omar.” Brett glared at him, hoping he’d get the hint.

After flashing a weak smile, Omar gave a slight nod and hurried down the dark passageway, motioning for them to hurry. Lisa patted Brett’s back.

“Everything will be fine,” she whispered. “Not everyone has a hidden agenda.”

Brett grunted. For a TV reporter, Lisa was unusually optimistic, while he saw a criminal behind every shadow. If Lisa had been chased, shot at, dodging flying pitchforks, and locked in a cave, she might feel the way he did.

The two-story buildings blocked the light from the setting sun. Damn, damn, he silently cursed. Why had he agreed to this?

Omar promptly stopped and pulled open a weathered wooden-arched door. He pointed inside. “This way.”

Before Brett could object, Lisa disappeared behind the door. He immediately followed, grabbing her hand. If they had to leave quickly, he wanted her near him. Omar shut the door behind them and locked it. Brett’s brow drew together. What is going on?

Following Omar, they entered a room where four men dressed in traditional garb sat on floor pillows. Their dark eyes studied Lisa with her curly blond hair and T-shirt. A man with a dark beard muttered something in Arabic to Omar, who nodded. Bastards! Are they talking about Lisa?

Brett stepped backward, slowly edging toward the door. A mirror on the wall reflected his raging emotions. His green eyes darted back and forth. Sweat from the sun had plastered his thick brown hair to his forehead. He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his face. His lips were clamped together in a tight line.

A woman quietly entered the room, bringing several cups and a teapot. Brett tensed. What is in the pot? After setting the pot in front of the man with the beard, the woman hurried from the room.

Omar turned toward Brett. “Please sit. We will drink together.”

Lisa sat down and glanced toward the serving tray. “Is that mint tea?”

Omar smiled. “You are familiar with our traditional drink?”

“Oh yes. I’ve had it several times. It’s wonderful.”

Lisa tugged on Brett’s hand, trying to get him to sit down. The situation was getting better by the second. They would probably be poisoned and buried in the desert. No one would ever know what happened to them.

Omar poured the tea and set the steaming cups in front of them. The man with the beard nodded, and Omar served him tea as well. The other three men sat quietly, never taking their eyes off Brett. He tensed. Something was going on that he didn’t understand, and he’d had enough.

“Omar, tell the men thanks for the tea, but we have to leave.” Brett reached down to pull Lisa to her feet.

“Brett,” Lisa murmured, “we can’t be rude and just leave.”

Meeting her gaze, he leaned down and whispered, “Watch me. We’re leaving now.”

Lisa stiffened. “What’s wrong with you? You’re acting crazy.”

In a low voice, he pleaded, “C’mon, Lisa. This is a scam. There’s nothing—”

A deep voice rang out behind Brett.

“I’m afraid I cannot let you leave quite yet.”

Tempest Court

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