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The First Act of a Comedy
Popgun, Maria, Charles, Pistolletta, Postilion, Hostess, Chorus of ploughboys, Cook, Strephon, and Chloe
Scene, An Inn
ENTER Hostess, Charles, Maria, and Cook.
Hostess (to Maria)If the gentry in the Lion should want beds, shew them number 9.MariaYes Mistress.
EXIT Maria
Hostess (to Cook)If their Honours in the Moon ask for the bill of fare, give it them.CookI wull, I wull.
EXIT Cook.
Hostess (to Charles)If their Ladyships in the Sun ring their Bell—answerit.CharlesYes Madam.
EXEUNT Severally.
Scene changes to the Moon, and discovers Popgun and Pistoletta.
PistolettaPray papa how far is it to London?PopgunMy Girl, my Darling, my favourite of all my Children, who art the picture of thy poor Mother who died two months ago, with whom I am going to Town to marry to Strephon, and to whom I mean to bequeath my whole Estate, it wants seven Miles.
Scene changes to the Sun
ENTER Chloe and a chorus of ploughboys.
ChloeWhere am I? At Hounslow.—Where go I? To London—. What to do? To be married—. Unto whom? Unto Strephon. Who is he? A Youth. Then I will sing a song.
SONG [1]
I go to Town
And when I come down,
I shall be married to Streephon.
And that to me will be fun.
Chorus: Be fun, be fun, be fun, And that to me will be fun.
CookHere is the bill of fare.Chloe (reads)2 Ducks, a leg of beef, a stinking partridge, and a tart.—I will have the leg of beef and the partridge.
EXIT Cook.
And now I will sing another song.
I am going to have my dinner,
After which I shan't be thinner,
I wish I had here Strephon
For he would carve the partridge if it should be a tough one.
Chorus: Tough one, tough one, tough one For he would carve the partridge if it should be a tough one.
EXIT Chloe and Chorus.
Scene changes to the inside of the Lion
ENTER Strephon and Postilion.
StrephYou drove me from Staines to this place, from whence I mean to go to Town to marry Chloe. How much is your due?PostEighteen pence.StrephAlas, my freind, I have but a bad guinea with which I mean to support myself in Town. But I will pawn to you an undirected Letter that I received from Chloe.PostSir, I accept your offer.
End of the First Act.