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“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 6:12

The word of God clearly tells us that every believer lives in a world shared by evil spirit beings who dwell in the air above and around us. These satanic invisible fallen spirits can have a profound effect on the thoughts, beliefs and actions of the humans under their influence. These spirits can cause sickness, disease, poverty, lack and all manner of bondage to the sins of the flesh, including criminal and deviant behavior. They can attach themselves through family lines or have influence over cities, regions or entire nations.

These fallen angels and demon spirits are wise and crafty and are experts at influencing humans to do their evil will. They are masters at manipulating the thoughts and emotions of those taken captive under their invisible influence.

It is unfortunate, that so much of the body of Christ is ignorant when it comes to recognizing, dealing with, and defeating these eternal enemies. Although dealing with the devil and demon spirits should never be entered into lightly, or with a casual attitude, any believer who is living a holy life and knows who he or she is in Christ and knows their bible can overcome and defeat any weapon that the kingdom of darkness forms against them and move forward to live lives of joy and victory.

In the following pages and chapters you will learn how Jesus opens our eyes and reveals to us a plan to confront and defeat the spirit of poverty in our own lives. We by no means believe that the way in which Jesus has led us to deal with the spirit of poverty is the only way to deal with evil spirits, for it is not. But the principles found in this book can be applied to most any form of satanic attack or bondage, and bring total victory and freedom.

It is our hope, and the reason that we wrote this book, that you will take to heart what we have learned and written for you and become emboldened to rise up and kick the devil out of your life, your home, your church, your neighborhood, wherever he may be found, and put a stop to his killing, stealing and destroying.

Jesus made us more than conquerors and overcomers in this life. Through faith in His name, His word and the power of His shed blood we can live free and victorious lives here on earth, blessed and being a blessing, making sure that His will is being established on earth as it is in heaven.

With love from your brother in Christ,

Pastor Walter R. Turner

Destroying the Spirit of Poverty

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