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Chapter 5

The Juggling Act

“Today I will focus on the important, and not allow myself to be kidnapped by the urgent.”

Earlier this year my family and I visited beautiful Victoria, British Columbia to enjoy the world-famous Buskers Festival. The weather was warm, and the atmosphere surreal as we enjoyed the sights and sounds of the famous Inner Harbor with the majestic Parliament Buildings, Royal BC Museum, and the enchanting Empress Hotel – a grand structure built in 1908 with lush green ivy trailing the stone walls, and traditional afternoon tea being served in their elegant foyer. The walkways along the waterfront were filled with street performers from all over the world who mesmerized us with their comedy shows and juggling acts, and their daring feats, from balancing atop high poles to fire throwing.

As leaders in fast paced businesses going seven days a week, we can often feel like street performers juggling several balls at once. We have gotten quite savvy at the juggling, but it takes extreme focus and energy to continue with this balancing act, and we fear any moment we may not just drop one ball but several.

The Success Lie

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