Читать книгу 30 Days to Simplify Your Life - Janet Rowland - Страница 7

Day Five- Review and Refocus


It is a man’s task to execute, within the time that God allots to him on Earth, a human mission to do God’s will. ~Arnold J Toynbee

Review and Re-Focus

Now that you have one comprehensive to-do list take a few minutes to review it and compare it to your goals.

What are the things on your list that have nothing to do with your purpose or goals? Is that because you forgot to put an important area of your life in your goals, or do you simply have things on your to-do list that just don’t matter to you?

If you have items on your list that have no connection to what you have identified as important to you, then scratch them off your list. You may need to make some calls and resign from some committees, clubs or other volunteer work. As hard as that might be once it is done you will feel a sense of relief. Because you have spent some time deciding what is important to you, making those phone calls will actually be easier. You can simply explain that you are finding yourself pulled in too many directions and you are trying to focus your energy on what is most important to you. The people who really care about you will understand. The people who don’t understand your decision or continue to put you on a guilt trip don’t really care about you in the first place. And now you know.

Do it now. Make those phone calls and scratch those things off of your to-do list.

30 Days to Simplify Your Life

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