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John wondered if Natalie would ask what he was thinking


She didn’t. Because she didn’t care enough? Because she didn’t feel she had the right?

Had she been the same with her husband? Or was he the one who’d taught her that what he didn’t choose to tell her was none of her business? The speculation seemed disloyal. Stuart Reed had been his partner.

The silence lengthened. John became aware of the quiet and darkness beyond the kitchen. He grabbed the edge of the counter. “Time to hit the sack.”

She did just what he was hoping to avoid. She touched him. “Are you all right?”

He couldn’t insult her by backing away. All he could do was wait until her hand dropped to her side. He sounded hoarse when he said, “Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure.”

Her expression relaxed. “I’ll see you in the morning.” Startling him, she brushed the lightest of kisses on his cheek. Then she left the room.

He stood frozen in her wake, conscious of the faint scent she’d left behind, something flowery that suited her.

Voice harsh and low, he said, “Damn, damn, damn.”

His Partner's Wife

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