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Dear Reader,

I was actually a history major in college. And, yes, I’ve written a few historical novels along the way, but what’s come to intrigue me most is the more recent past. I’m always fascinated by what moves people to act the way they do. I’ve come increasingly to believe that most of our behavior, not to mention those extremely influential little voices we all have in our heads, has roots in our childhood. If, say, you’re getting out of a bad marriage but grew up in a stable, happy home, do you quit trusting all men? Not usually. Turn it around, though, so that Dad was unreliable, cheated on your mom, failed you when you needed him—then probably you never did really trust men.

The logical corollary is that our parents are the people they are because of their childhoods. And so often, we don’t know our parents as well as we think we do. Heck, it’s not like any of us tell our kids everything, either! Even when no one is trying to hide anything in particular, a lot goes unmentioned. Sometimes those mysteries would help us understand a parent better, and by extention ourselves.

My own father is gone now, and my mother’s memory is failing, which means there’s a lot I’ll never know about them. It’s gotten me thinking more than ever about the questions I never asked.

The time capsule was the perfect story idea for me. Lots of innocent stuff went in it, but also a few real secrets. In the case of my heroine, the mysteries of her past and her mother’s have kept her from being able to imagine sharing her life with anyone. But here’s a secret her mother never wanted her to know, one that shatters their already difficult relationship and remakes it into something that might be better…or might not. This particular secret also produces a shocking change in Amy Nilsson’s relationship with a man she had never imagined herself loving...

Hope you enjoy the book and come to care about these people as much as I did!

Janice Kay Johnson

P.S. I enjoy hearing from readers! Please contact me through my publisher, Harlequin Books, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, ON M3B 3K9, Canada.

From This Day On

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