Читать книгу Bone Deep - Janice Kay Johnson - Страница 2


Dear Reader,

I’ve realized recently how many of my books are really about finding someone who has been missing from our lives. Never knowing what’s become of a loved one would be worse, I think, than losing him or her to a tragic accident. You might be haunted even more if you hadn’t said goodbye on good terms; if you’re gripped by guilt as well as grief.

Bone Deep started from a newspaper article about a woman who has spent years checking with police departments every time human remains were found in hopes they’d be her brother’s. But then I got to thinking… What if your loved one didn’t stay missing? What if he was returned to you after a long time—piece by piece? I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be as gutsy as Kat, the heroine in Bone Deep. Of course, it would help if I had a man as sexy and determined and loving as Grant Haller backing me up.

But back to that theme… Funny thing, but my upcoming book is turning out to be about finding that missing person, too. And, hey! I’ve never lost anyone in my own life. Really.

Happy reading,

Janice Kay Johnson

Bone Deep

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