Читать книгу Plain Refuge - Janice Kay Johnson - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I confess: I’m a longtime fan of Marta Perry’s and Karen Harper’s romantic suspense novels set among the Amish. And then there’s the movie Witness, with Harrison Ford dancing in the barn. Temptation came my way. I became even more intrigued once I started reading nonfiction about the Amish, notably Donald Kraybill’s collaborations The Amish and Amish Grace. I found a whole lot to admire in beliefs that are very different than what we see in our typical lives. Forgiveness is not a concept we practice nearly often enough, for example. Their sense of community is extraordinary. Keeping their elderly close and caring for them through the end especially struck home with me, as I’m dealing with my mother’s sharp decline into dementia.

Plus I have always loved the clash of cultures (my two historical novels explore this). In this book, both Daniel and Rebecca are steeped in Amish culture because of their childhoods, yet as adults are thoroughly modern Americans. Raised to turn his other cheek, Daniel now carries a gun. Talk about internal conflict! Yet Rebecca’s need to save her son drives her to do what she thinks she must, even if it betrays her deepest beliefs.

No, sad to say, they don’t slip out late at night to dance in a barn. What they get up to out behind the barn, though...


Plain Refuge

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